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Everything posted by xSwan

  1. Nope, that isn't exactly what I need, but I think I can use it, thanks. Does any else have an idea, how I can do it?
  2. Hey! I wonna place a control/panel/usercontrol ( what is best :confused: ) on the desktop. I have the code: [CS] [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern Int32 SetParent (Int32 hWndChild, Int32 hWndNewParent); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern Int32 GetDesktopWindow (); [/CS] and [CS] Cons = new ConsolePanel(); Int32 i = SetParent(contr.Handle.ToInt32(),GetDesktopWindow()); [/CS] And it work a little, but two things: 1. It has a "window" on the taskbar and I dont want it 2. and then isn't showed then I chose to view the Desktop, first then I click on the "window" it has on the taskbar. Sorry for my english, but some plz help me.
  3. Yeah, maybe, and I see the program i did mean do it, didnt :( , I was remeber wrong. But then I have an other question: How can I place it over the icons, and still be there then I press Show Desktop? I have try this: [CS] Cons = new ConsolePanel(); Int32 i = SetParent(Cons.Handle.ToInt32(),GetDesktopWindow()); [/CS] But It isn't showed the I press that Show Desktop :(
  4. Yaeh, I know MS can anything, and would have stop trying, if it was that I mean I have seen a program that could. I need because it look stupid have my control over the icons so U cant see them;) , and my control i something like a Console where i can run program from and so. And then of course I want the experience :D
  5. Jah, but the icons is there still.:confused: And if "Active Desktop" can then i must think I can too, but how?
  6. But windows can with the "homepage"? And I mean I have seen an other that could.
  7. Anybody know how to place a control on the desktop under the icons? As U can in windows place some "homepages" at the desctop they are under the icon. How can i place my own controls there?
  8. Or: this.Cursor.Dispose();
  9. xSwan

    Creat a copy

    Nope, it can't do it, too :( Bcurse it, the testclass, just is a test of how it work, not the real object. So I must try to find an other way to sovle my problem :(
  10. xSwan

    Creat a copy

    Yeah, I could add a methods, but isn't there an other way?
  11. Try convert Convert.ToDouble(numbers)?
  12. Well, I think I maked out why it my self, it was becurse the light was "in" the wall, so sometime it get on the one side, and some time om the other side :-\ But, U are talking about the normal, i realy dont understand this, can U descripe them to me, or give some link where to read of it?
  13. xSwan

    Creat a copy

    Yah, I'm understand what it do then I see it do it, but my question is, how can I copy the test2 into test3 and do what I want to with the test3, without the test1 be chance to? And I cant just made it to a struct becurse realy its other class, I take from a Direct3. So my real question is, how can I copy a class and not only its ref.?
  14. U sure that work, PlausiblyDamp ? :confused: I dont think it work becurse he declarar the form in the function, and it will be declarar again as a new then he call the function again.
  15. I have this example: class testclass { public int i; public testclass(int i) { this.i = i; } } class Class1 { [sTAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { testclass test1 = new testclass(0); testfunction(test1); Console.Write(test1.i); Console.Read(); } static void testfunction(testclass test2) { testclass test3 = test2; test3.i++; } } What can i do if i dont want test1 to be 1 then I call the testfunction? Sorry for the variable but I'm not good for find names for varibles, :D
  16. Maybe if U declarar the frmdataform3 in the class and just run the frmdataform3.Show() then U open the, i think it will do it.
  17. U must put it in the form u are calling where U create the mail message ;) Because it need to know what "message" is.
  18. Take a look at this, the code is optimal, but I just want to know, why is the light flicking(flashing) then I move the mouse to look around it??my3d.zip
  19. Ohh, thx.
  20. How can I make break lines in C#, as I could in VB with the "_"?
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