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Xtreme .Net Talk

Mick Dugan

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Everything posted by Mick Dugan

  1. Hi All, I'd like to be able to rotate a group of labels at about a 45 degree angle. Could someone here give me a dumbed down explanation on how this might be accomplished? Thanx
  2. I�m trying to send a zipped solution file to someone but my server apparently thinks it contains a virus and is rejecting it. Calling my ISP tech support line was no help at all. Is there any work around for this issue?
  3. VS 2005 sometimes runs pretty slow and I'm wondering if my 512 MB of RAM is enough. Suggestions?
  4. Thanks for the lead!
  5. In my application, users may create a number of objects. Information about these objects (height, width, name, etc) is stored in several 2 dimensional arrays. How do I go about using the properties grid to display the data?
  6. Hi All, I�m an amateur coder, writing a program, part of which involves some graphics. A few issues have come up which quite honestly are beyond my ability. What�s the best way of going about looking for someone who�d be willing to take on some of this on a freelance, hourly basis? Location isn�t an issue as the code can be swapped back and forth via email.
  7. Yes, that's the appearence of what I'm looking for, but that can only be used to change the appearence of various controls properties at run time. I need to put my own controls into that grid
  8. Thanks Cags for the reply. I dont' know C# though. Could you post the code in VB for me? Thanx
  9. Hi guys, I have a problem with screen flicker. In my application, I�m drawing some objects in myPanel using myPanel.Paint. The coordinates of the objects (they�re mostly just primitives along with some regions) are stored in arrays. So when the graphics need to be refreshed, the arrays are consulted. The problem is I also want to show items being dragged across the screen, but when I do that, the constant redrawing causes the screen to flicker. I�ve read that I should use the invalidate method, but can�t figure out where invalidate should be invoked. Any ideas? Cheers, Michael Dugan
  10. Hi guys, I need a control that�s similar to the properties window in Visual Studio.net. Namely, a grid consisting of two columns separated by a splitter bar. Labels would go in the left column, while text boxes and combo boxes would reside in the right column. I kind of made on myself by putting 2 panels and a splitter bar within a third panel, but it has limitations (i.e. no combo boxes, and I can�t make the fixed single border of the text box anything but black). Is what I�m looking for readily available, or will I have to purchase it from a third party? Any ideas? Cheers, Michael Dugan
  11. You saved me a HUGE amount of time, and I REALLY, REALLY appreciate it!!!
  12. Wow, thanks Marble Eater! I hate to push my luck, but I really only know VB. If you could make that translation for me I'd be your biggest fan!
  13. Thanks for the responses guys. Sorry I didn�t supply enough information. Marble Eater, you were correct in assuming that the two �lines� are actually �line segments� and are derived from the coordinates of their end points. Sometimes they will actually cross, in which case I�d need to find the point of intersection. Usually though, they will not cross, in which case I need to find out the point they would intersect if they were to be extended. As someone who doesn�t know the difference between calculus and Confucius, I was hoping someone had a ready made routine that would fit the bill. Barring that, if I have to do it myself, I could really use some dumbed down Pseudo code to get me started.
  14. Does anyone have a function that will take the coordinates of 2 lines (that are in the same plane) and compute the intersection point? TIA
  15. Hi Guys, I'd like to have a databound combo box sorted but apparantly it's a no no to use the "sorted" property of that control. Could one of you be so kind as to supply an example of the code I'd need to make this happen? TIA, Mick
  16. Does anyone know when Visual Studio 2005 is supposed to be released?
  17. As a novice programmer, I�ve been getting by O.K. with creating my databases directly in Access and then accessing them with code using .net. Creating a database entirely thru code is another matter. Either I�m too thick or there isn�t any good documentation out there. Does anyone know of any online tutorials that will help me?
  18. Perfect! Thanks!
  19. Actually, I'm entering the header columns at design time, so adding a space wouldln't be a problem. The column is for price as you alluded to and it dosen't look good having the right aligned column jambed up against the adjacent left aligned column.
  20. My application modifys the contents of a text box during the leave event. I'd like for the user to be able to overide the update by pressing the control key when he leaves the text box. Ideas... TIA
  21. Is there a way to "pad" the text in a datagrid so the text isn't completely jambed against the vertical border? I don't want to center the text, just move it over a bit.
  22. I�m having trouble getting my database to update my radio buttons on my form. I�m saving a specific string to the database depending on which radio button is pressed. When the program runs, I click on the data grid the program reads what the string is and the radio buttons get updated as expected. The problem arises when I click on the heading of the data grid and it gets resorted. Apparently, the currency manager still reads 0 for the top record, 1 for the next one down and so on. The text boxes on the form get updated just fine because they�re data bound, but no so for the radio buttons. I could really use some help from the experts.
  23. Ya know, your're absolutely right!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!! (Now excuse me while I go and smack myself on the forehead several times)
  24. I just installed VB.net on a newly purchased office computer and now it won�t recognize any of the programs I had backed up on my jump drive. Instead I get a �Visual Studio does not recognize that as a valid solution file� message. All of these files on my jump drive have no problem loading and running on my home computer so that�s not the problem. With the new installation, I can create and run a program just fine, so the problem must be with the new installation, but what? My next move is to try to reinstall VS, but before I put myself thru that 60 minute marathon, I thought I�d see if anyone here has any ideas. Regards, Michael Dugan
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