No, I think you know what your talking about
Hey Joe Mamma,
I believe you are corrrect with the caviat "for small single user applications ".
MSDE is actually MS SQL server on downers. It is VERY CPU intensive. The application that I designed it for however was a very large scale Catalog, with multiple table relationships with some tables having more than 200,000 rows. To make matters more difficult, The report was being run by Crystal and the average report had a SQL SP with around 7 to 8 table joins.
The application needed to run on a laptop while not connected to the internet and also update the database when the user connected in the background.
We did attempt many different ways of doing it, such as Access DB, but the performance was not good.
There is also one downside I have noticed by using the Jet Engine.
mdb table locks can cause datapackage collison. It should never be used in a multi user application. I found this out the hard way once when the Client was too cheap to pay for SQL
anyway, have fun and thanks :cool:
Nader Hamzei