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Everything posted by gorilla

  1. Hey guys, how do i make shortcut keys that encompass the ctrl key with a letter? so for example a button on my form shows "B utton" so i want it so that when the user holds Ctrl+B it'll execute the button. thanks!
  2. Hey everyone i used the JLCA that comes with Microsoft VS.Net Enterprise, it only converts 85% of my program. anyone know any good tips for converting the rest manually or any sites that teach how to do the conversion properlly? thanks!
  3. by the way, i'm tryin to implement this as a context menu for a "button" (the button is actually a picturebox control)
  4. i tried something like this but it does't work, i'm probably way off but Button1.PictureBox = menuIconProvider1.IconImageList.Images;
  5. Hey VolteFace, I was lookin at your IEXtenderProvider example and I'm not sure how it works. i'm still a little new to microsoft vs...i followed your instructions of compilin the .dll and then draggin it in. i also placed my images into the image list but i'm not sure what the next step is, please help me out on this, much appreciated, thanks
  6. Hi, I was just wondering if you could programmatically change the size of the font and the font in the context menu without having to do an owner draw context menu in C#. If no then can someone point me in the right direction for an example of owner draw context menu? thanks
  7. I need some help on opening files and pointing to particular lines in files For example I had a text file called text1.txt ----start of file----- one two three four five ---end of file---- How can I copy the entire third line into a file called output.txt? so the outcome of this command would be output.txt ---start of file--- three ---end of file--- how would i implement something like this in VB? thanks for your time :)
  8. Hey everyone, does anyone know a method for changing font sizes when resolution of the screen changes? (ie. font 12 in 1024x768 resolution looks ok but it gets reaaally small in any high resolution so i would like to change the font so it gets bigger as resolution increases as well.) thaaanks :D
  9. doh, what do you knwo...i feel so stupid now haha thanks guys!!
  10. Hey, I have a bunch of buttons and i have some hot keys (keyboard shortcuts) to them. when the form loads, they work perfectly fine. but during run time, when the user clicks on a text box or some other control, they cease to work. Now aerwarnick posted soemthing about focus a while back and i tried it but it didn't work...maybe its not a focus problem but does anyone have any suggestions for me? thanks this is what i have so far... private void OnKeyDownEvent(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { Point posit = new Point (HideBar.Location.X, HideBar.Location.Y); switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.F1: HideMenu.Show(HideBar, posit); break; case Keys.F2: break; case Keys.F3: break; case Keys.F4: AdminMenu.Show(Admin, posit ); break; case Keys.F5: PaymentMenu.Show(Payment, posit ); break; case Keys.F6: break; case Keys.F7: AdItmMenu.Show(AdjustItm,posit ); break; case Keys.F8: CashMgmtMenu.Show(CashMgmt, posit ); break; case Keys.F9: AdjTransMenu.Show(AdjustTrans, posit ); break; case Keys.F10: break; } }
  11. Context Menu Size Hi, I created a context menu...i was just wondering if there's a way to change the size of the context menu so it's bigger. so that the bars are wider and easier to select. thanks!
  12. Hi, i'm new to C#.NET. i created a windows form with several different bitmaps from several different customized user controls. When I change the resolution, only the .NET controls resize automatically (text boxes, labels etc). How can i make it so that my images/bitmaps (that are with in the user controls) will resize accordingly as well? i made the windows from using the [design] method. thanks a lot for your help :)
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