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About iMP

  • Birthday 04/05/1988

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Computer Engineer Student
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET 2008 Professional, TP VS.Net'10
  • .NET Preferred Language

iMP's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Heya, You could loop through all the listviewitems and compare each of their .text to the text in the textbox. It should be quite easy:)
  2. Hmm.. Shouldn't it work to check in the loop if the ctrl has any controls in it, and then loop through them to? Perhaps create a recursive sub for it or something :) Just a thought, I might be totally wrong:P hehe
  3. I figured out a quick and easy solution, just found the closest item below the drop location, if any, and got the group from it. It works nice now:] Though if anyone got a better method, please post ^^
  4. I'm trying to make it possible to drag & drop reorder items in a listview by groups, and I have one problem; Is there any way to determine which group is under the cursor in a ListView control? Just like GetItemAt for items, only for groups? I've searched the net but couldn't find anything :confused: When I drop items I get the group from the item it dropped upon, but when there's a empty group, I need to be able to get the header from that group or anything to determine which group it shall be placed in 0.o.. Any help is appreciated! :) Cheers
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