Hi all,
I'm trying to build a simple drawing application which would allow people to drawing on their screen. The application makes use of a maximum form which is transparent, which allows people to optionally annotate items that exist behind the application.
For the most part, it seems to work fine. I am able to use DrawLine to draw lines on the form. Now, i want to be able to provide a way to erase random portions of the screen using a eraser. However, I can't seem to figure out the best way to actually do that.
Drawing with a transparent Pen doesn't achieve this. Drawing with a pen that has the same color as the TransparencyKey of the form just draws a line with the same color as the TransparencyKey (it doesn't make that line "transparent").
Second problem is we need to make drawing line with a semi-transparent (like a felt-tip marker). But when we set alpha color value to 128, the line is not semi-transparent, but the color that same color as the TransparencyKey show up too.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
please help me.