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Everything posted by hawk1ns

  1. thanks for that :) Thankyou . However i seemed to get an error with this , the code looks ok and theres no apparent errors , and also runs ok , but when i click the button i get this error : An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication7.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. and highlights this line AxWebBrowser1.Document.GetType.InvokeMember("open", Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, AxWebBrowser1.Document, Nothing) Kind Regards Carl
  2. Hello. If i had axwebbrowser on a form that displayed set pages on the internet how can i detect fields to be entered on a form ( contact forms for example ) and then have my VB program fill these fields from textboxes also on the VB form ? Kind Regards Carl
  3. can someone please explain how to copy html from a textbox and display as page in axwebbrowser. I would like to be able to type in html into a textbox set at multiline and then click a button and have this html display as a webpage in the axwebbrowser window ? any suggestions ? Kind Regards Carl
  4. grabbing the url hello , i have used the script above to display the html text in a textbox , i would now like to also put the actual url into this box. basically i have some links for a php script on my website that used numbers in its directory , to try and catalogue i want to know where each link goes .. for example http://somesite.com/phpscript?id=number actually goes to a website so the html i get from the code above displays the html code for the page but i also want to grab the url web address? Kind Regards Carl
  5. hello again , yes this works just fine , however as i am new to this type of usage , can you give some more details on how i could use files as embeded ? just to help me along :) Kind Regards Carl
  6. thanks for that , i will look at this now.. Kind Regards Carl
  7. hello , i have vb.net and tried to get this to work , i may be missing something but it said that my version is to old ? what can i do ? Kind Regards Carl
  8. hello guys , i hope all is well and all is ok .. i have a question about paths etc , i want to set up a new .exe program that can display html pages from the hard drive. i know when i start a new project it creates folders and files. the project files , a bin and an obj folder. i wanted to make sure that my html pages are placed in a new folder say called "pages" that are on the same level as bin and obj. i know a little about web design so know that on the web i can use a local path such as ./pages/name-of-file.html i can get it to work by adding the complete path such as c:\folder\another-folder\file-name.html i can see a problem if i send the files over in a zip to someone they need to un-zip in the same folders on their pc as i have them set to , but if the calls for the files were local to the .exe then it wouldnt matter .. ok probably simple but cant see what to do so if someone can send me a few details it would be great. Kind Regards Carl
  9. well i think i need to keep going the way i was , cos when i get the html by the way above i get a different page , it also says : turn your browser scripting on. :) cheers
  10. cheers
  11. thanks for the suggestions :) I seem to have a problem with this line of the code : Dim strUrls() As String = "http://google.com <a href="http://yahoo.com" target="_blank">http://yahoo.com</a> <a href="http://msn.com" target="_blank">http://msn.com</a>".Split(" ") blue error lines on a few things can you suggest why ? Kind Regards Carl
  12. Hello , a short description of what i want to do : a friend has asked me to try this for him.. i have this working on a manual basis , i.e using buttons and manually inputting product number so i am nearly there i input a number in a textbox ( item number ) then click browse button on application and the website appears in a axwebbrowser1 window i then click on a view source btn and can view the html in a textbox i can the sort and parce through the html to grab product info and image url etc i will store this in a database when i am finished :) the above works fine ... but the idea is to set a loop from 1 to say 100000 and have the pages entered automaticaly.... heres the problem tho: the loop goes way to fast and does not allow the web page to load before continuing to next step.. how can i enter a check so that everything stops untill the web page has fully loaded ? Kind regards Carl
  13. Hello Guys.. I would like to create a small windows based program that grabs images/info from a website.. i have some things sorted but i dont know how to grab the graphics side ? how can i load an image into a picturebox from a web address ? i have tried : picturebox1.image.fromfile("www.domainname.com/images/gfx.gif") but i get an error , i know that i can use this to display an image from my pc but how do i do this from web? Regards Carl
  14. thanks for help here :) Just a quick question then :) I want to create a program that runs on my pc , i guess i am talking about a standard windows application here.. i want to display a set of text boxes or a dbgrid containing the databases information.. the database is situated on a server , so i want the program to go off using internet connection and retrieve the information then display .. In the above example i see html code , can i assume this example is for a web based program ? if so how would you suggest i go about what i wanted ? i have a database i have been trying to access at http://www.bon-jovi-rock-gods.com in the database source i entered bon-jovi-rock-gods.com then i entered the user and password for this database i tried to test connection but get an error .. test connection failedbecause of an error initializing provider.... invalid connection ? would you have any suggestions ? Regards Carl
  15. Hello . I have used this line of code to open a new form : Dim frmdataform3 As New DataForm3() frmdataform3.Show() This works fine but i find if user re-clicks on the button another copy of the form opens , it allows several copies of the same form to be open ... How can i get it so that only 1 copy is to be open at any one time ? sort of like : if form open = true then dont open :) Thanks for help Regards Carl
  16. Hello guys . I have a mysql database on a server , i need to know how to access this.. 1st it says "select or enter a server name" .... what do i put here? is it just the domain name or is there something else i need to add to this ? does it need to be a url to a section of webspace that handles the mysql ? like localhost or something ? 2nd it also asks for a user and password ? is this going to be the same as the FTP user/pass or is this the database user/password ? 3rd can i assume if i have the above details correct when i choose "select the database on the server" i should get a list of mysql databases available ? I realise i am probably asking very simple questions but its got me stuck :) Regards Carl
  17. ITS ME AGAIN ... right i have this bit of code that puts the number of the selected item in to a text box... If ListView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0 Then TextBox4.Text = ListView1.SelectedIndices(0).ToString but how do i get the actual file name to appear in the text box instead ? Cheers
  18. FANTASTIC !! Just what i wanted :) Thankyou for your help here Best wishes Carl
  19. can you suggest how to display just imagename.gif and not . c:\folder1\folder2\imagename.gif thanks
  20. thanks , i believe i am getting there , i can now click a button and have the files appear in the box , great :) now i just need to get rid of the displayed path and just have the image name :) i.e. at the moment i have c:\folder1\folder2\imagename.gif and i just want imagename.gif displayed :) BTW ... simple question ... how do you get the code above in the white box on this forum ?? lol Regards Carl
  21. thanks for clearing that up :) :) Regards Carl
  22. thanks , thats great ... can you clarify what this states tho please ? '////Imports System.IO must be at the top of your form. what do i put at the top of the form ? when i put the above code in i get a blue line under directory .. Cheers for the help Regards Carl
  23. Thankyou , i will give that a go. i am impressed with vb.net , also very confused at the same time :) before this i used vb5 and i have found the jump a little to much at times as i am a very new user :) 2 questions please... 1: could you give a small example of the code required please.. 2: i see in other threads that the vb code is displayed in a white box .. hows this done on this forum :) lol Kind Regards Carl
  24. hello again :) in an old program i used a filelistbox to display the content of a folder containing over 200 .gif and .jpg images , i could then choose one of these and have it placed into a picturebox.. can someone please suggest to me what they think would be the best way to do this on vb.net ? Regards Carl
  25. thanks for all the help ... right i have now done it so that it works just the way i wanted it to but i used a different method.... Dim nameoffile : Dim savetext nameoffile = "c:\affwiz\html\" & TextBox6.Text & ".htm" savetext = filesave.Text FileOpen(1, nameoffile, OpenMode.Output) Print(1, savetext) FileClose(1) Are there any benifits to using sugested methods? Regards Carl
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