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Everything posted by Denaes

  1. Hmm... maybe I played EoB on the wrong system. The versions I played had much worse graphics than that screen shot up top. I'll see how the graphics are in play tonite :)
  2. I only know of one and I'd like to know of more. It would be cool if we could get a list of controls/libraries that are free for non-profit use and also free for any use. Power Collections Really gets some good features added to collections. I've been using the Bag Collection for a little while on a project. It uses a Generic Type and has all the methods I've needed - compared to the standard .Net collections where you might have to make some custom methods. I'd like to see controls for 2.0 that do what .Net controls out of the box don't. In particular I'd be looking for a Flexgrid type - a datagridview (the new one) with support for more controls - ListView with Tree node capabilities, etc. I had heard that .Net 2.0 would have a flexgrid type control... but if it's the datagridview, it's not fully featured. By far better than the 2003 version, but still. The upgrade from 2003 to 2005 cost me my ComponentOne Studio that I got from Microsoft. Now I'm feeling the lack. My day job I'm working on a database application and we have Infragistics Studio. Awesome grid. But it's a tad pricy for me to do freeware projects for fun with at home.
  3. The DataGridView has a Filter parameter that you can use many SQL filtering statements. like "Name = 'a'" or as you would do it using VB.net (C# uses a plus sign instead of amperstand): dgv.filter = "Name '" & textbox.text & "'" dgv.refresh or something very similar to that. Lookup the Filter method in MSDN and they have an example of how it works.
  4. I'm trying to convert a huge old database to 2005. I can convert things straight over just fine. My problem is that the old database had many tables that were joined on multiple Char fields. In addition to not being unique and harder to do queries, it was sucking performance out the window on some queries. I'm looking to convert over a table (TableA) and have SQL Server populate an Identity field (TableAID). Then When I load a table that's related, each row I'd query TableA for the keys and insert TableAID rather than the multiple other fields. I can also do this before hand in the old database with a few SQL scripts, but that would make it a two step process using two different technologies. I can't do it afterwards in the new SQLServer 2005 database really. I want to have the new relationships set up when I convert over to make sure the integrity is up to snuff. If I did it in the SQLServer 2005 database after the DTS, I'd have to have SQL scripts to do the queries, delete fields and then create relationships. I guess that's possible, but just not optimal for converting a few dozen databases. If anyone has any advice on how to do it, how it would be done another way or even just what the proper terms are that I could search on google, that would be great. This seems like something that wouldn't be totally unheard of doing, so I'm pretty sure it's been done and probobly documented somewere.
  5. Thanks for the link PD. My visual studio doesn't have any links to web services when it starts up that I've seen. I'll look out for that when I start up next time. I normally get a list of all the Visual Studio articles from the VS website. Maybe it's on there somewhere. at least I have some to play with :) thank you.
  6. Found the problem. ::drumroll:: I forgot to set a primary key in the database, so the dataset didn't know how to create the commands :eek: lets here it for small, yet very important mistakes :D
  7. No prices that I can see. I have MSDN and It's been great. I got mine discount through another provider for quite a bit less than the standard rate was. I was nervous at first, but now I have like 900 CDs & DVDs from microsoft and a free subscription to the MSDN magazine :D
  8. I have two tables in a database (created in SQL 2005 Management Console) that are full on: Select, Insert, Update & Delete. One Table (we'll call it customers) has had everything generated for it dynamically. All the commands and each command has all the parameters created and the logic for Update/Insert that is very... exaustive. A huge WHERE block. The other Table (we'll call Address, isn't this DB unique!?) Has a dynamically generated Select & Insert command (complete with parameters and logic) but no Update or Delete command. For some reason the generated parameters are all unique to the command and leave the TableAdapter level paramaters empty. So I'd have to insert like 20 parameters and configure them manually - then make the SQL statements. I've removed the table and re-added it, I've redone the TableAdaptors queries with the configure option on the context menu. Now it wouldn't be terribly hard to to a DELETE and/or INSERT SQL statement. It would be annoying to create 20+ Parameters by hand. The reason I'm concerned is twofold: 1. By the time this project is done there will be at least 50 to 100 tables. maybe more. I want all non-customizable Commands done and done quick. We'll move to stored procedures, but we often need to test things quickly when we create a table to see how things work. 2. If I do create the parameters & commands for this table and I need to update the datasource at a later date, I'm afraid that whatever is causing these commands to not be created will remove the commands/parameters I create. Whats wrong? I don't know. Any errors with this floating around that I don't know of? Anything I can select differently that might cause this problem? Maybe a datatype that VS.Net doesn't like?
  9. I found one for google (http://www.api.google.com) and amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/aws/landing.html) and I'm going to check them out. Amazon looks the most promising. I just want to be able to retrieve an XML table(s) and display them on my screen. Nothing fancy. Once I have that done, I can easily play with the data myself.
  10. I'm going to need to create an application that can log onto an XML webservice (not sure if it's .net or not yet) and send verification and receive one or more datatables in XML. I'm just stuck at how to practice. I don't have a web service personally. Does anyone know of site with XML WebServices to practice off of?
  11. If you had the code/project to post that might help. This is really new waters. I'm not sure how many people have taken the jump to 2005 yet. Based on what you're saying, I can't see anything wrong - but maybe a sample project with the problem might help.
  12. Note that this is with VS 2005 Pro working on a winform, not a webform. I suppose options may vary. 1. If you're using VS and not Express, you right click on your solution and/or project and on the context menu will be "Clean Solution" or "Clean" respectively. 2. Again, right click on your project/solution and select Properties. On the window that pops up, hit the compile tab. Lots of stuff here like a checkbox that turns all warnings into compile errors - a checkbox that turns off warnings and numerous items that can be set to cause no reaction or react as a warning or error.
  13. Are you using VB.Net or C#? I recall C# in 2003 being very similar in that you have one error, fix it and you have 90. Fix 2 and you have 3. Fix 3 and you have 101 (extra errors not shown). That was very agitating. There is a way to ignore warnings, you need to go into your projects build settings and choose how to handle everything.
  14. I learned Java in college with jCreator. Awful IDE. It's like notepad with a list of files on the side and keywords being highlighted with an option to compile. I was comming from VB6 at the time. Since then I've just recently begun tutoring a woman in Java and using jBuilder by Borland. I havn't tried the newest version which released simultaniously as VS2005, but the other version is free for commercial and non-commercial use. It's not quite Visual Studio quality, but it's pretty damn good and has intellisense to some degree. The only drawback I have is that there is no intuitive way to build a GUI app. I say intuitive because it's probobly easy once you know how. I ended up destroying a project by dragging items onto a form. That uses Swing and I think an option of something else. I've heard great things about this netBeans and if I have to tutor her again next semister (she'll be working without a teacher... great) I'll be giving that a testdrive. I've heard good things about it from a .Net developer at work, another non-programming forum, here and a friend who is into programming in Java.
  15. As far as I can recall from my tutoring days in college (about 3 years ago) they're incompatable types. Works is a cheaper home version frankenstein of MS office cobbled together with limited functionality. Students would get this software for free with their computer, do their homework and then cry when they brought it into school (where we had not a single copy of Works) and they couldn't read/edit/print it.
  16. Automatically, I don't think so. You could serialize (write it to a hard drive) and clear it when the application closes down or keep it if you like. If you're going to keep track of more than one thing, like user and possibly statistics and other tidbits ("last used on...", "User name", etc) you might do well to design a datatable. If you're using 2005, it has an option to save to XML. Really it takes like a minute or two to create the datatable as a schema and saving/loading it are only a single method call requiring the path. If you only want to save if they've been there before for the "session" (this time the application was run) you can delete the xml file on closing the application. On loading the form you're talking about, you can load the XML into a datatable and check to see if they're on the list.
  17. Sorry, I must have misread what you did want to happen. Then change the displaymember so that the ProductName shows up on the list. If you have a datagrid and don't want to show that column, then set the columns property of Visible to false. If it's not a datagrid I'm not sure why you would be displaying a productID unless you selected to display the ProductID field. You might have to provide more information and/or upload a sample of what you're trying to do.
  18. Best workaround I can see is to create an Interface for each class you want to inherit including all the public properties, events, methods & functions you need exposed. create an instance of the classes you need to your current class to have and expose those methods/properties/events/functions that you want/need to expose. It's more work than just inheriting from the class, but it's less work than rewriting the .net framework to allow multiple inheritance. Personally, in most cases I'd prefer it this way. I like to see exactly what I'm using and have accessable and sometimes inheritence hides that from me. If you plan on reusing these "base classes" (ie, you wanted multiple classes to inherit from them), do this in a "Code Snippit" and store it in the IDE (and back it up!). you can lay down the code of you exposing all the methods/properties/events/functions with a few mouseclicks/keystrokes. An interface isn't nessicary, technically, but if you want all the classes that inherit from your "base classes" to all expose the same methods, only interfaces will enforce that if you change it, that you expose the new methods and the IDE will show you that with code errors until you add what you need to add. Ideal? Maybe not, but it seems to get the job done and if you're using "Snippits", then most of your work is up front, barring changes in the classes at a later point.
  19. Set the DisplayMember in the Shopping List display to whatever column the Product_ID is called.
  20. I heard 2005 was supposed to have it's own flexgrid. But I don't see one. The datagrid (as i recall and might be incorrect) was awful in 2003 and was barely useful for displaying straight up views/tables. I have played with the datagrid a little and I realize it's actually customizable when bound (thats a big plus). But is it as useful as say the CompontOne FlexGrid for displaying data? Not being databound, you just putting data in some cells, formatting others, combining some cells together?
  21. I kept hearing on these and other forums that VS2005 would have a flexgrid, yet I don't see a flexgrid. The Flexgrid (or a fully featured grid control) is very important for doing most business apps, so I'm not sure why VS (having VB in it) wouldn't have a flexgrid. I have some projects I want to get going on that I was waiting for 2005 Pro to come out to work with - then I realized that my old (2003) ComponentOne controls won't work with 2005 and I have no grids to work with. I think I'm going to have to continue to work on them in 2003 until I get a spare $700* (and a customer base interested in the applications) to pay for a 3rd party grid solution. ::sigh:: If you register Visual Studio 2005 (or an Express Product) You get an Infragistics mini-pack of like 6 controls, two of them ASP.Net and most of the controls are ones that people (as far as I know) arn't really interested in. The only interesting one I see is the wintap (configurable tabbed display control). * note that the $700 price is just my ballpark guess after looking at ComponentOne & Infragistics websites. There might be another company with a good quality, but inexpensive grid control. I'm just have an extreme affinity for the ComponentOne FlexGrid. I love that control.
  22. When I got into .Net everyone was saying how you had to make your datatier. I took that to mean a set of classes to handle getting and putting data from/to the database(s). In 2005, it seems Microsoft takes care of that for you. You create a datasource of your database and Visual Studio creates a perfect replica of the database as a dataset and creates a tableadaptor (custom class) for each table. Sounds great and seems to work well. This weekend I was stumbling around online for development tools and came across http://www.mygenerationsoftware.com. Software that people make up templates for that do whatever (take in information) and give you code. Mostly I've seen this used for databases. It works with about 8 databased. I've used it with SQL Server & Access. Regretably, XML & data schema don't fit this criteria. So basically you import this .dll into your project, run the MyGeneration software and choose what is called "dOOdad" and then work your way through to choosing your database and then choose VB.Net or C#. The MyGeneration Software reads the database and creates classes that duplicate each view & table as a class. It ends up becomming a Typed replication of the data source. For detailed description of how the code works in reality, check this page out: http://www.mygenerationsoftware.com/portal/dOOdads/VBNETUsage/tabid/54/Default.aspx If you need to change your database, you just change it and run MyGeneration on it again, then rebuild your datatier (if you have it as a seperate project like I do). Currently the only part I don't like is that everything is currently code based. There is a new version being worked on in which the classes all show up in a visual manor and as a datasource for visually setting datasources & fields. Right now you can do all of this via code. It's far and away easier than the 3 weeks I spent comming up with a datateir on this app 2 years back... which had like 1/100th the functionality this datatier has. But I'm still not sure if this is better than ADO.Net 2.0 and VS2005 database assisting. I'm going to be working on this for a project I've not felt like working on because of my database annoyances. At work right now we're still working with a dataset and we're at the very first steps to converting a really huge database app from another database. This sort of datatier would sure be quick to get data up and working and might be more comfortable for some of the developers who are more used to programming code flat out written for database manipulation. Anyone have any input on this?
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