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Everything posted by Denaes

  1. I already have things set up as an inherited control, so thats really not much trouble. Sounds like it might be the best plan... if I can narrow down the methods that are adding the columns. Might be easy/obvious.
  2. The fact that Java is actually muli-platform (I wouldn't say platform indapendant) is about a million times more important/useful than a Java-> HTML/JS converter. This is like a little gimmick. Seeing as JS is the biggist pain for compatability, I'd just love to see what autogenerated code does. I'm Googles *****, and I can't wait for those AJAX Word Processessors and other tools. Just so much easier than having all this crap installed on your PC and dealing with compatability. Well if it's done well it would be.
  3. Imagine a grid control. It has a collection of columns. But no events to say when the columns are added. By default, each column created is set to Visible (and a few other things) and We need the default set to invisible (Visible = False) or really almost anything. We have a custom version of this Infragistics Grid control and would like our version to default columns to not visible My thought was to catch an event of the column being added and set the appropriate properties then, but there seems to be no events for this. I could also go into the source code and just throw in an Event or change the default there, but as Infragistics gives us updates/fixes, I'd have to deal with merging the two sets of sourcecode.
  4. If you're using 2005, I believe you can set up multiple BindingSources' for your one collection and each will keep track of the the same list with different currency managers. Then you would bind the different BindingSources to the different Comboboxes. I know this works with datasets, but I just haven't tested this out with collections. If you're not using 2005, sorry I think you have to deal with currency managers and that was annoying.
  5. Learning VB6 and Googled the Sister site. When I got thrust into .Net I came here. This forum used to be a bit more active, but normally activity picks up around when semisters at school start.
  6. Shoulda asked a while ago. Always seems I find an answer like 5 minutes after I ask on a forum. If TypeOf (m_BindingSource.DataSource) Is DataSet Then Dim ds As DataSet = DirectCast(m_BindingSource.DataSource, DataSet) PopulateDataTable(ds) End If Well the If...Then statement is the answer to the problem, but I figured I'd throw that out there in case this helps anyone else :D
  7. Okay, Datasource is an Object, which allows it to handle multiple types of DataSources. I'm having a user pass one in, I was "DirectCast"ing it to a DataSet, which is what I need, which worked fine if I choose A Dataset or TypedDataSet as the Datasource. If I choose a BindingSource, it errors out here. Obviously you can't DirectCast a BindingSource into a DataSet. But because things are Typed, I can't see how to make any logical statements to handle the DirectCasting. If I getType, it returns the TypedClass (ie CustomerDataSet rather than DataSet; or CustomerBindingSource rather than BindingSource). Is there any way to get to that base class? I need to be able to tell "Is this a Dataset?" "Is this a BindingSource?" so I can handle that DirectCast and the different methods to get into a specified tables data.
  8. I know what an interface is and what it's used for. Placing code to explain when it's called and by what and what to expect doesn't violate that. Primarily we use the interfaces on Inherited Forms & Datasets, both of which will have methods looking for that interface at specific times. There is nothing wrong with mentioning what will be looking for that interface, why and plausably when. I'm pretty sure Interfaces are there to serve a purpose, not just to ensure certain methods are there that developer knows nothing about and are just left blank or has the wrong code put in there because the developer doesn't know what to expect.
  9. Plausably, I really didn't mean disrespect with that. I've been using snippets for a short while... lifesavers in my data access layer of the application I'm working on. It does make sense that it could be a snippet, but how does implementing an interface cause a snippet to be thrown down? I'm not against such code really in such an important interface really. It's nice to have it and you can change it if it doesn't suit your needs. If it does suit your needs, then bonus. I wanted something similar that would not include actual code (though in some cases snippets might be nice) but comments explaining exactly what sort of code should be there, why and how it pertains to the application we're writing. Including snippets would be fantastic for one job, but thats like tying an interface with a snippet to get a job done easier. It would be better served by having both seperate and using a macro to place all the interface and all the snippets.
  10. I'm not being snippy, but thats clear english. Thats exactly what it does. You impliment the interface and it puts the code, comments & regions into the class. I right-click my project, select New->Class, hit enter (accepting the default Class1.vb Name) press the down arrow (because the curser is to the left of the word Public) which puts me on the the only open line of the class. I type the letters "impliments idisposable" and hit enter and all that text I quoted above appears in my class. So far it's the only Microsoft Interface that does this, but I've only tried IEnumerable and IList... not exactly a thurough check.
  11. They don't allow me to either, thats why I'm asking. in VB.Net if you type Implements IDisposable, you get this code: Public Class Class1 Implements IDisposable Private disposedValue As Boolean = False ' To detect redundant calls ' IDisposable Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If Not Me.disposedValue Then If disposing Then ' TODO: free unmanaged resources when explicitly called End If ' TODO: free shared unmanaged resources End If Me.disposedValue = True End Sub #Region " IDisposable Support " ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern. Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above. Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub #End Region End Class The only thing I typed was " Implements IDisposable". I understand the concept. This defies the concept. But still it would be useful to be able to put comments and regions into the interfaces that will show up when someone implements them. At least all of the developers on my team think it would be very useful.
  12. I know how to comment a class, but to put code/comments into an interface is the question. A blueprint is how I see things, but IDisposable Interface puts public & private code and comments into your class that implements it. So let me ammend the question to how IDisposable is able to be an Interface and supply both code & comments?
  13. About once a month I want to learn C++. I have a on how to make RPGs with it. I take down the book and I get to code that has "->" in it instead of a "." and I put the book away and say "Why the hell would I want to be pressing two keys for a '.' all day?". True, I could remap my keyboard to make an arrow like that the '.' types '-' and '>', but it just annoys me. Also my book is probobly now like 5+ years old and it gives examples in VC++ from the VB6 era. I think I'd get lost trying to use it with C++.Net/CLI
  14. By my understanding, an interface is just a list of public functions/events/parameters/etc. I used IDisposable and it inserted a whole bunch of code, including a private variable and comments. Now I understand that it can be useful to have default code, but that isn't what an interface is supposed to do. But I think just being able to send comments with your interface signitures would be enormously helpful. Any insight on how it's done? I've been digging around the MSDN and Google and havn't found out. I'm probobly just not knowing the proper term to search for.
  15. Denaes


    Well how does it stack up? is it a lot slower than XP? How was the installation? Features of note? Do they have any of the 3D enabled yet?
  16. I can understand it's not the books fault that DirectX broke compatability between a beta and a release. And between one version and another. But with the software given on the CD, following his directions you'd often be left with code that wouldn't compile. You'd look at the CD and he only has the "Final Code" and would show you in drafts. So the first draft code could be totally different than the third draft or the final draft. I see no reason (certainly not disc space) why a copy of each draft wasn't on that CD. Also the way the code was written was just... aggrivating. I don't think he used a single property and had functions that were like a page long (or more) rather than breaking them into smaller functions. And I dare not deviate mid code and try to fix things because then I'd be totally lost. Even if I stay on track the code needs to be fixed to work. I have windows 2000 Pro so I could do ASP.Net work. When I first got my laptop with XP Home, XP wasn't usable. It would crash opening up MS word. Not MS Word would crash, XP would. Since then they've fixed XP a lot. I use it at work and it just doesn't crash anymore. So right now it's either IIS or DirectX. Well I know of a few IIS emulators. Pains, but I'm not really working on any IIS/asp.net stuff anyways at the moment.
  17. I've got windows 2000, Visual Studio 2005 Professional installed. I want to make a few hokey board games... nothing super fancy, maybe a basic one at first then some more modular board games like Fantasy Flight and Games Workshop put out. Not direct ripoffs, but something in that vein. I think I'll stick to GDI+, but after talking with a friend, I realize if I ever want anything advanced or cross internet playing (ie four people on different machines playing together) I would have to use DirectX... or it would be easier for me at least. I break out my old '.Net Game Programming with DirectX', one of the worst written programming books I've ever read. Tons of errors and even the error free code is backwards and you're writing code against methods and classes that you'll have to make but havn't been explained yet. The first two chapters are GDI+, then it goes to DirectX in chapter 3. So I download the April 2006 DirectX SDK. Downloaded fine, won't install. I look online and windows 2000 is listed as compatable. I look on the documentation of the download and it says XP or higher. Thats a waste of a 300mb download. I get out my MDSN discs and find the June 2005 version. That too wont install. I break out the disc that came with the book and it gets about 1/3rd the way installing before it can't read the disc anymore. Thinking more rationally, even if that version had installed, it's 2003 managed code and probobly wouldn't have worked with 2005. So now I have to find the XP Home disk my laptop came with and reinstall the whole damned OS. I guess I can keep making due with GDI+ in the mean time, but still, 2000 is a great OS, current and stable. I suppose it's not really MS's fault (other than that nix in the supported OS's thing) but still, they made VS 2005, win2k, XP & DirectX and I want to blame someone, so there it is.
  18. I create a TypedDataSet for Employees, go to the TableAdaptor and select the Update StoredProcedure in the properties. Everything is fine except for the Parameter Collection isn't being populated. A Co-worker goes through the same steps and the Parameter Collection is filled. I give him my TypedDataSet and he opens it, no Parameters. He re-selects the Stored Procedure and all the Parameters are populated. We assume it's a database permission or local setting somewere. I can execute Stored Procedures just fine and if I manually enter in all the Parameters, the dataset works 100% fine. Anyone have any idea on this one? We're pretty stumped.
  19. I'm sorry (and it'll blow my chances for being admin) but I started busting up laughing here at work when I read that list :D
  20. There are two things I really like about Visual Studio 2003 (I assume that they exist in 2005 as well): 1. Creating a relational dataset as a .xsd (I think, the xml schema document) and 2. Using that schema to do data entry like it was a real database. I have yet to find anything that does these functions outside of Visual Studio. Any chance that they're standalone exe's on the CD/DVD? Or something just like them by Microsoft? Or anyone else really? This app XMLSpy is freeware and it seems that anything that might make it more than a text editor with fancy formatting and validation checking is in the $$$ enterprise studio version... which really, I could just use visual studio as the missile to kill the fly (ie, overkill). I would love to get ahold of something like this. I'm still looking around my VS directories to see if there are any exe's for them...
  21. Is there a utility somewhere that converts an Access Database to an XML file(s)? I'm looking to use ms Access to create/populate a database and export it, with relationships to XML Access 2003 and it only supports extracting one table/view to XML which isn't really what I'm looking for. I know I can add the database into my Server Explorer, make a dataset of it, start an application and in the load event have it load the database and then export it to XML. I'm not sure if that'll pick up my relationships and whatnot and sort of limited to a machine where I have Visual Studio installed
  22. #2. If you don't need to use a textbox, the NumericUpDown control would be the best tool. It limits user entry to only numbers and has buttons for incrementing/decrementing a number. Offhand, I'm not sure if you can remove the buttons.
  23. I have a datagridview and I have a collection of items that I'll call skills. Each skill has a few properties: Name, Description, Type, etc. I took the class "Skill" and made a datasource out of it and hooked it up to the DataGridView. The form created a BindingSource for Skill as well. So I have a collection, a datasource for the item & a grid. Is there a way to fill it up or connect the two? Is there a particular collection I should be using; or a particular interface the collection should be exposing?
  24. Didn't know that, but it makes sense. You could actually see opponents that wern't directly in front of you. I havn't played it for a while... hmmm... I don't think I ever beat that game. wow, the only Wizardry game I beat was the one for the Nintendo... I feel like a failed gamer. :eek:
  25. I got a chance to run it. You're duplicating files in the different zip files. I had to overrwrite files that already existed. Not a problem, just that size of download(s) came up earlier. I'm windows 2000 2.2HGz laptop, 2gb ram, 80mb 7200rpm hard drive which is currently downloading a ton of huge files. I ran it compiled. The form came up fast, the loading of the maze took 5 seconds to download. Looks awesome. My only "gameplay" complaint is that since I'm on a laptop, I don't have a numpad. I expect this sort of thing to be handled by the arrows, mouse or user defined. Understood it's a display engine test. My advice here is first and foremost to loose the Eye of the Beholder schtick. It's a copywrite owned by Hasbro (through Wizards of the Coast) and thats a very large company. Maybe one of the larger companies to hold IP stake over video games, save movie tie-in games. Eye of the Beholder wasn't the first first-person dungeon crawl and wasn't the last. There are dozens if not hundreds of them all in very similar styles. Wizardry is by far more popular of the same style of game. And TSR (the company who owned the IP to this game origionally) had put out numerous other RPGs in the same style as well. Since you're using different RPG mechanics and a different storyline, you don't want something potentially lawsuit enducing on your software. As far as the game goes, I can't say enough that this dungeon is by far the best looking I've seen - including Wizardry 8 which is the newest and best looking first person RPG I've seen. But you'll need variety. Just in the dungeon itself. Looking at the same tiles will get old. This demo also evoked my hatred for this sort of game if done improperly. It's so easy to get lost if there is no variation in the tiles. Honestly I much prefer an overhead (top down) or isometric type of RPG for many of these reasons, though I'll continue to test and give ideas/advice on this project.
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