Yeah, I had Visual C++ 6 Complete and a book on learning VC++6 from about a year ago when my studies kicked into overdrive and I had to dedicate myself to VB6 and Java.
Just recently I purchased Programming RolePlaying Games using DirectX... I didn't think of it, but I should have. It wasn't vb like my other directx books, but C++, with the author saying that he's personally using VC++6.
Since I have 2k3, I was thinking of taking Mutants advice to use VC++7/.net, but only use the standard VC++ and leave out the .net part.
an article I read said that based on the 1998 ISO (International Standards Organization ), VC++.Net 2k3 employs something like 98% of what is standard C++, while VC++6 employed only 83%.
At least for right now, unless they took out pre-existing ways of doing things I think, like mutant said, that the .net version should work so long as you only use the standard C++ aspects of things.
So long as I don't touch the .net framework with VC++ I think it should be ok...
Thank you two for the advice :)