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Everything posted by Denaes

  1. I'm not using .AcceptChanges. The only thing I can think of is that I'm hiding 3 textboxes and Showing 3 corresponding Comboboxes. I'm hiding the textboxes to display State, CustomerStatus and CustomerType, and replacing them with a combobox databound to State, CustStatus and CustType DataTables respectivly. The Point is to show you what is in the record, but when you change it, you're limited to the choices the admin places in the table. Then I manually set those fields to be equal to the comboBoxes selected Text property. But I change the First and Last name, then save it. I check its value before I even try to save and "HasChanges" is false. Then I try to save it and "HasChanges" is false. Then I'm back in view mode. I have the changed text on the screen, I click next, then previous and the name is still there, so it must be in the dataset. This is pretty frustrating :D
  2. Oh, I get it. Its not the framework that is crossplatform, its really a .Net to Java converter. It converts your .Net application into a java compatable program! Well that certainly makes more sense to convert apps over to Java than to purchase a $5,000 liscense just to run a .net program... I was wondering how that was supposed to help schools, buying 30 $2,500 liscenses (50% discount)... 75,000 for a classroom that would have been. I wonder if you can do this to sourcecode or to already compiled .net programs...
  3. Oh, I'm very interested. I'm using Access right now, but when I have to deal with multiple computers/users, I don't think I can get away with that. Can you use MySQL on a desktop, or do you need to be running internet services? I'm also starting to think that running a multiperson app as a single ASP.Net application on an intra/internet might be the easiest.
  4. No. The document I read said that since it was databound to the controls, I didn't need to do anything. Is there anything I should do to begin/end an edit? I don't see a .EndCurrentEdit. Is it off the datatable or the dataset itself? I see .Add<TableName>Row, which creates a new row/record and .New<TableName>Row off of the DataTable. I don't see anything alluding to begining or ending an edit on either the DataSet or DataTable.
  5. All of the controls are bound to a datatable (in the dataset). If I edit to change the values, they hold. They show up in the datatable as I scroll through it. In my UpdateDatabase procedure, I check to see if it has any changes like this: If Dataset.HasChanges then If Dataset.HasErrors then 'do stuff with errors Else 'Code to update database from dataset End If End If I'm using Debug.WriteLine to trace were the logic is going, and when I'm changing data in the dataset, it's not triggering the DataSet.HasChanges. It still shows false, even though I see changes in the dataset. Why is my changing the dataset not triggering the "HasChanges" to true? Is it only triggered when you add a new record or delete a record? Is there another way (other than databound controls) I should be doing the editing?
  6. I'm using Jet/Access (which shouldn't matter). I have a full page of textboxes and a listbox datasourced to an entire table in my dataset. When I choose to edit things, (unlock all of the listboxes) and update the database from the dataset, it informs me that the "Has Changes" property is set to false, even though I changed 5 fields and I can see it as I scroll through the dataset. When I choose new, it blanks all the fields and allows you to enter a new record. This sometimes registers a change. I even changed my Edit procedure to manually set each field equal to the textboxes and the "Has Changes" is still false. I'm going to take out the check for changes, as its not working, but still... thats an important check. You don't want to update a database if it has no changes. This is so puzzling. :confused:
  7. http://www.halcyonsoft.com/products.asp?s=4 Java based .Net framework. Runs on any machine that supports Java 1.4 (or is it 1.3?). Runs on Linux, PC, OS 9, OS X, etc Though one look at the "Flexible" pricing modules and you may not want to veer past your 30 day free trial. For once I wish MS would just buy the stupid rights to the software and distribute it cheaply. :D
  8. Argh. I downloaded the Home edition. It looked like MUCH more than I really needed, and costs money past the trial period. Well I can continue to use VS.Net once the trial runs out. Thanks :)
  9. Yeah I downloaded those when I was working on ActionScript v2.0 (Macromedia has a stupid pain in the registration that only allows you to develop on one machine by doing an internet check, even if you need to develop on both a Mac AND PC; One liscense = One machine. Period.) and used them on the PC. I used UltraEdit and Crimson. When I went looking, neither seemed to have any VB.NET configurations. I'm not sure how complicated it is to create one... maybe I have to look into that.
  10. Ahh. At least there's an X button to minimize it. That might help the resolution challanged a little :D Edit Err, never mind. It just maximizes again when you leave and come back. :rolleyes:
  11. Can this even be done with a desktop app? How easy? Is it worth it? I'm pretty sure it could be used in an ASP.Net app. Just curious about the possibilities beyond Jet/Access use.
  12. I'm sure you've seen them. They're like Wordpad, with an attitude. They're a basic word proccessor in the vein of wordpad or notepad, but for programming/scripting. You can apply settings to them (in downloadable files) to allow them to emulate the formatting of a particular langauge. I think UltraEdit is one... theres another called Cheetah or something like that. Some have ActionScript, vb6, Java, C, C++, I think one had C#... But I'm looking for one with vb.net. Obviously it won't have IntelliSense, but it'll keep the standard formatting of vb.Net, with coloured keywords and indentations, etc. Anyone heard of one that worked with VB.Net?
  13. Honestly I think that the VB.Net XML Editor is the best that I've seen. It has cool features in the XML window, then it treats the data like a database for dataentry when you click 'data'. I'd like something similar to this, but without opening up VS.Net, something that can run along side of it, smaller in stature. I searched download.com and got some... interesting results.
  14. Can you either do something with them or get rid of them? They're sitting there with the up to date (March 5th) in Flash/Macromedia news. I'm sure this is crunching the screen for those with a lower resolution, isn't even .Net relevent, and isn't even updating. I'd suggest that if you want to keep it, to have .Net/Microsoft and industry as a whole stuff in it. Maybe allow people to configure what sort of updates they want to see in there. One person might choose .Net, C, Java and OS X, while another might just want .Net. But something should probobly be done with it, one way or the other.
  15. This is the first time I've heard of use of MySQL for .Net. I'd love to see what people think about this as a free database tool. Is it internet service only (ie ASP.Net) or does it work on platforms. When you think about it, if a company has broadband and the info it's super duper secretive, you could just use vb in ASP.Net for something like this. >>Edit<< As a developer, I'm constantly eyeing others systems and what happens. Allstate (my car insurance provider) has to databases, one is an older DOS style program that fits within a window (windowed DOS emulation?) and the other is through the internet/web browser. I didn't lean over enough to see if it was ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, etc. BJs (VERY similar to CostCo/Price Club) works directly off a website for ordering it seems. I saw a guy working on it. it had their stock and reorder information on it. I'm sure I look like an industry spy or something walking through a store and stopping to see what's on someones screen :) I've had people give me looks... but I'm just curious :D My wife rolls her eyes when I start talking to someone about what they like about their interface and what they hate :rolleyes:
  16. pretty quite? do you mean inexpensive? I've heard of MySQL and heard there were problems with REALLY high volume database work (like on HIGH volume Forums... I think this one used to have a problem with MySQL) I'm not sure what Ingres is. What is that? Also, how easy are these to use and integrate into .Net?
  17. If it didn't need to be realtime data, I'd say to load the data into a dataset and update every X minutes. That would only have a slow open time the first time, then you could update in the background without them knowing. Also note that pretty much anything done in .Net is slow the first time around. Something about .Net compiling on the fly, the first time it takes a second, but the next time its loaded into the cache already. I had this problem with forms loading. It just took forever to load a form. But if you closed the form and loaded it again, it was near instantantious. For this reason, if its an app that will remain open for hours, I'd frontload by accessing the major calls to a database, opening forms, etc upfront. People can deal with a slower startup time better than waiting 5 seconds for a program to do something. Sometimes they start clicking multiple times :eek: I'm no master in Access, but I remember vb6 was easier overall, but didn't support multiple computers accessing the same database nearly as easy.
  18. As far as I know, Strings can't do math. You can hold your information in a string, then convert it to a number to do the math. Integers won't hold any decimal places. Doubles would hold more than enough I'd suppose... something like:
  19. It would probobly be easier to create a new .Net language :rolleyes: Oh, I can 100% see the benifit of a basic language with such raw programming potential as C... about 10 years ago. Now... Make a version of Assembler that works like a basic language and I'll get back to you :D
  20. Also a note. If you did the origional program in VB6 with one database a pop, did you use Access (.mdb)? Access has a connectivity limitation... only a few people can access it at once... or one at a time is it? up to 5? Any more than that and you'll need to use SQL Server (about $2,000) or Oracle ($10,000?), which would allow multiple connections. SQL Server is applicable for both a net server and a buisiness server on location. If you need to go SQL Server, you can often get a webhost who will allow its use for 20-50 a month... definately more expensive over a long period of time. Just a suggestion. It depends on if its okay to let your clients have a "Try again in a minute" message or not.
  21. I thought it would be cool to create a basic programming language for Linux, but theres not much point now. The only thing its missing is a non uber techie programming language. I guess now they just have to port over the framework (Mono) and make an IDE for all of .NET. I think they just have one for C#. So no, not really. Its like recreating the wheel. I think it would be an awesome exercise to even trace through what it takes to create C or VB in the deep down mechanics though.
  22. Heres the link to the O'Reilly site: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/objectvbnet/ Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET By J. P. Hamilton Honestly its one of the best written books I've read. I just read 90 pages without touching a computer. Just straight through. True, I do need to go back and practice some of those concepts, but its very readable. It doesn't have grand Apps to built, but it does build classes to example what its teaching... it fully teaches you delegates before telling you (in the next chapter) how to get the same effect with events. Its a very good idea to have a finalize method to destroy everything and a Dispose method to allow users to mark it for pickup. This is all in that OOP in VB.Net book, you see examples of existing classes, descriptions of what finalize does, why to include Dispose, etc. Even if you don't use New, you still want to have a finalize and dispose method. You still probobly have objects floating around inside of your class, wether you use new or not. Even if you don't really want to OOP, You can learn a lot from this book, which really picks up were most "learn vb in 20 days" and "Master VB.Net" books leave off. Some overlap, but its more of a mid ranged book. If you don't know the basics, you might want to pick up VB.Net in a Nutshell or something
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