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Namespaces in the code. I see names that align with the namespace to be VERY common with professional .dlls. Example off of my c1 components. c1.win.c1flexgrid.classic.dll Organized by company, winforms/webforms, major class/control name, subclass/control name, etc, etc. The c1.win.c1flexgrid.classic actually is what you need to type to get to flexgrid classic methods/properties unless you import the namespace c1.win.c1flexgrid into your form Hope this helps a little.
Normally its a key held somewere which is either hard coded (like a list of 1,000 keys in an array in the program) or an algorythm generated by the persons Name & Company. This is normally help within a registry or setting file on the computer. When your program executes you check for a proper KeyCode. If it's still in "Trial" mode, you do trial things. This is probobly accomplished using a "LiscenceState" variable which tells the program if it's Trial, Full, Expired, etc. From there, its just logic, probobly case statements for features that are dependant on being full/trial. A simple logic test on FormLoad to tell the program if it proceeds or displays a "Register Now, Trial Expired" or a "Register, Wait 10 seconds to start trial" splash boxes. I've heard of more advanced methods like macromedia uses, were they actually have you register their software on their webserver, so the same key doesn't work on multiple machines. It's a ***** for me because I develop internet applications in Dreamweaver, Flash and edit the graphics in Fireworks, but I have a PC and Mac for compatibility testing issues and different projects. I'm now allowed to use my liscense on both machines. Point Blank, if a cracker wants to crack your program, it'll be done. They have methods that involve reading memory as an application is being run and ways of creating replacement hex/binary for those initial pieces of the software... I think its crazy and way beyond my means
Thoughts on getting credit for a program you write?
Denaes replied to Denaes's topic in Water Cooler
That makes sense. Very insightful. I'm glad to learn from those more experienced than I am. So in general, "All Purpose" code should always be reusable. Like a component created for facilitating data entry, data selection, etc would still normally (unless specified differently) yours for reuse, but something specific to the program wouldn't. Of course all of this is specified in the contract and if you have your own "Personal Library" or use purchased libraries, you'd have to specify that those are off limits - distributed with the program, but dll only. Does that seem right? Well I guess anything is right if both parties agree to it. Does it seem feasable? -
Well, you're very helpful today :D I'll try that as well.
Ahh... I tried the Format: Time and it just gave you a time with a callandar dropdown, which seemed pretty useless as far as a Time Picker Control would go. I'll try that second option, thank you :)
I see a NumberUpDown component. 8 out of 9 times I see this sort of component, it's with time, not numbers though. Is there another for time, or an option to make this one work with time?
I'm disabling textboxes when users are in "View Mode" of my database. I can change the backcolor in runtime while the component is disabled, lets me get rid of the grey. But I need to change the disabled grey text to be a darker color. Maybe still black. Black on grey is better than grey on white I'd think. Can anyone help on that issue?
You know, the splash screen and help screen. I have someone asking me to write software for them, but as a subcontractor. They tell me "Here is our old Delphi software, play with it, rewrite it in .Net. After that, we'll start upgrading and adding new features" The only thing close to code I had to go by was the old database it still had to fit. So it would be their copywrite, written/coded by me? If it was 100% my program being sold, it would be more like: Is this right? What is the proper way to do so? Suggestions? Honestly I can imagine them not wanting my name on it, but you spend a long time writing a program, you expect to get credit for it. I can see them buying off your name, like paying more and you not having the right to say you wrote it. How would you feel if you did a damn good work and someone wouldn't let you put your name on it?
Yes, it's always nicer to have knowledge and write your own software, but usually people are on deadlines and actually have little to no interest in learning every single aspect of a component, let alone the 20 they use in their program. This is why VB and .Net in general are rapid application development programs. I do agree that if you find interest in something and want to learn it, try to do it. I have no interest in compression. I'll use C1Zip or something else to compress files. I don't want to even learn how to create compression algorithms. For instance, I clicked on this thread because I thought it would be neat to learn how to create PDF's via .Net. Sometimes I'm forced to use an external component for something I would like to learn, but because of time constraints... If you really like PDF conversions, yes, it might be cool to learn how to do it in vb/c#.net. If you really LOVE PDF conversions though, you won't stop there. You'll translate that component all the way down to assembly to truely know whats going on and how to make it better. :D If you really want to learn how to create your own PDF via code, it may be worthwhile to check out one of the open source .Net PDF components. The source is usually in C#, but there are C#->VB.Net code converters (theres an official one in the VB.Net Resource pack). I think when you're not trying to break new ground, viewing how others do something is a good practice. Also searching PlanetSourceCode or other similar sites may help :)
Here is some of the sample code from the DevCity.Net article: With paramSupplierID .ParameterName = "inSupplierID" .OleDbType = OleDbType.Integer .Size = 4 .Value = SupplierID End With cmd.Parameters.Add(paramSupplierID) This sets up the SupplierID parameter so you can update/insert/delete with it. I think I saw somewere where you can omit it and .Net will "jigger" it for you, but I've learned its better to do things properly than to let .Net default it. Especially when time based functions and keep your data integrity are involved. In the MSDN it says that for Strings (VarChar's) .Size is the length in characters. For numbers like Integers, it's the number of bytes. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what would be a respectible number. It's a desktop app and I can overestimate without any problems, but when going over networks and the internet, you really want to be precise so you don't waste bandwidth. I guess I want to learn how to do it right, but I'm not letting it currently hold up my project. I have it set to 4, like in the example.
Create public classes of Customer, MiscSelect, State, etc within db? Thought I'd tried that, but I'll try that again. Thanks :)
I'm going parameters for my database and you have to choose the size for each parameter. VarChar (strings) are easy, you just choose the number of characters. Numbers (ints, double, long, etc) are in bytes. By my belated (and abhored) dip into Assembly, I seem to recall that each byte is 8 bits, which can hold up to 256 digits (0-255). So far I'm using the value of 4. 2 bytes is about 65000, 4 bytes is over 4 trillion. I just want to make sure I'm doing my math correct. I don't want my Ints to get cut off saving to the database because I made the number too small :rolleyes:
How do you create classes that follow the dot notation? Rather than have a seperate class unto itself for each table in my database (each class triggers stored procedures in my access database) and have it inherit the db class, I'd rather still have it inherit the db class (which has procedures which shorten my insert, update & select triggers substantually), but also be accessed through the db class as well. What I have now: Customer CustomerStatus CustomerType MiscSelects State Each class consists of an Update, Insert & Select method (in some cases, many selects) as well as a private function for setting and returning each column as a oledbparameter, which is only accessed internally. Each also accesses two methods from the db class for selects and update/inserts. What I'd rather have: db.Customer db.CustomerStatus db.CustomerType db.MiscSelects db.State It's probobly something easy, but I don't even know what it's called, let alone how to figure it out.
SPs! Access to the one of the fastest lightest freeist database engines while still allowing convience? I'd move all of my data intensive projects over to mySQL then :D
First off, a dataset takes on tables from your database and throws them into datatables. You access them via their index like so: ds.Tables(0) or from their tablename if you know it like so: ds.Tables("Customers") Now, usually a datatable will have mutiple "columns" (or fields) like CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerShoeSize, etc. On top of this, each table should have 1 or more rows of data, or records. A textbox is only a single field. If you want to display an entire table, you need to use a datagrid by setting its datasource: datagrid.DataSource = ds.Tables("Customers") You can also set a specific field on a specific row into a textbox like so: Textbox.Text = ds.Tables("Customers").Rows(0).Item("CustomerName").ToString() This would set the Textboxes value to the CustomerName Value in row 1 (index of 0) of the Customer Table in your DataSet. If you want to "Browse" your data with navigation controls and changing the text values depending on the index, I'd suggest taking a look at my tutorial (link in my sig)
Currently only using Access. I havn't used a Stored Procedure, so I don't know what I'm missing... but they sound neat. I want/need to expand into MySQL for distributed larger scale databases... The reason why I [/b]LOVE[/b] .Net so much is that I can write my program and really all I need to change are the connections and data adaptors to switch to MSDE or MySQL... or most other database types. I guess if I become reliant on Stored Procedures, I can't easily take a backwards step into not using them.
I'm running two datasets right now. One is a large database of customers and related tables. Though it's relational in Access, I don't handle it as such in vb.net. Often times I'm using dataview to filter, sort and bend the data to my will. If you use dataviews for anything complex, you'll realize that you have to mind them very closely becuase playing with a DataView reflects its changes (filters, sorts) back to the datatable. This means that if you had a listbox with customer names, then did a query using your DataView for an operation, you have to put it back to show everything when you're done (hopefully right away) or your listbox will reflect that query even though it's datasource is set directly to the DataTable! eek! Now, I've done workarounds on my current project and I'm almost finished. I might extend this project further or work on similar projects, so I'm looking to run by some advice for someone who is a better .Net (oop) programmer than I. I had the idea of creating a new class for each DataTable and one for the whole dataset by means of instantiating the individual classes. Each DataTable/DataView class will allow me to filter/sort/etc, update, refresh and anything else I can think of needing. This should allow me to use a datatable in muliple instances within the same form without each stepping on each other. I also think this would be much better than the public module I currently hold for updating the database and sharing variables amongst multiple forms. Any advice? Would this work? Better Ideas?
Reading the Help on ADO.Net will reveal that it's the name of all of the datacontrols. OleDb is for generic connections like Access Sql is for SQL Server databases. Creating an instance of any of them in your code and typing the instance name and the dot (.) will bring up a list of methods and properties. Going into MSDN, if you type in the name of any control/class, it will describe it and most likely give you an example and have associated links. Typing in OleDbConnection.ConnectionString, for example, will bring up a page on what connectionstrings do and how to use them. MSDN brings up MANY searches for ADO.Net
VB.Net has good internal help, http://msdn.microsoft.com/ is a given It's under ADO.Net
I'm looking to create what a message box does. A form which pops up (should be modal), allows a person to insert text, make selections, choose dates, and those results are returned to the parent form. Example: I want to do a Date Picker calander as a popup window. I want the window to start up with the current date (pased from the form) selected. Red dates will be inapplicable. The user selects dates to add to an array of dates. When the Form is finished, it returns that array as a result. I've needed to do this sort of thing on a few occasions (popup Customer Chooser, which returns the Customer Number for example), but I've always had to cheat to get around it. I've used a public module to hold the information, but that is very annoying, bad practice and you have to pay attention to clearing it out, adding to it, etc. What is the proper way to do this?
Bringing Reports from Access into VB.Net
Denaes replied to Denaes's topic in Database / XML / Reporting
I figured there was a way to use the Access Object Library, but I have no clue if my clients will have access. I think I need to look into remaking the reports using a vb.net reporting tool like C1 has -
That's the same time, but in 24 hour time. On my project, I had to use strings rather than Date or Time. VERY frustrating. In Access, you can make Date/Time and set it to ONLY be date. Same with Time. Fine, thats what I needed. When I bring it over to VB.Net through a DataAdaptor, it comes through as 04/22/2004 00:00am, even though its ONLY the Date. Because of issues like these I had to use strings to hold the date and times in a database. Very frustrating, but I need to have returned what I put in, not extra garbage. Someday I'd like to find a workaround :)
They're free if you download the VB.Net (I'm sure the components work with C# as well) Resource Pack and they're friggen awesome. Often they do enhanced versions of the orgionals, with interesting results. A textbox on crack, with like 20+ extra options, but you have to wait until runtime to set the text. Most of the time, these controls are overkill, but I think there is an enhanced verision of each .Net Data control and all of the basic controls. Their Flexgrid was a godsend, and it looks like they have report components as well. They also have ASP.Net components as well, but I havn't looked at those. I don't particuarily see a reason not to use their components, aside from the fact that you have to supply .dll's with your .exe and they're not automatically in the bin directory.
If you're waiting for something slower than your program, which is normally harware related, use Application.DoEvents(). It stops the program, makes sure everything is caught up, then continues. I remember having to use this when I was doing a LOT of reading/writing in collections from/to files (scanning 5,000 text documents for specific text, then grabbing the next word). You also need to do this when displaying your graphics in a game loop. If it gets too complex.
I have reports in Access, is there a way to import them over to vb.net? If not, any suggestions on an easy way to do so?