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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Denaes

  1. You want to check out this (and similar) sites: http://www.autohotkey.com This is an awesome scripting language written in C(C++?) and basically lets laymen program tasks in windows through the use of plain english (well plainer) exposed functions that provide advanced functionality. It also lets you create forms as well. I love this language for simple office stuff like opening applications, sending keys to applications... takes like 3 lines vs 3 pages of .Net code. If you can do this so that it can run on multiple platforms, that'll be coller than this macro application :)
  2. Congradulations!!!!! What does your Volts do?
  3. Is this J# specific (ie, you cannot do it with VB or C#) or more likely is it just that they're targeting J# as it's comfortable for Java users? Thank you very much for that link!
  4. Of any sorts? ASP.Net is server side. For all it's good, it's not fully interactive in the sense of an Applet (be it on a webpage or it's own window). Is this possible in .net or not really?
  5. I havn't found an ETA orther than "Early 2005". Does anyone have anything better than that?
  6. Looks interesting, but targeted towards teams. Then again, I'm not seeing why a tight integration between teams would be video game specific. It sounds rather useful for any sort of teams of programmers. Unless they're really trying to hype game making so they can sell it for more money...
  7. Since the blocks will always be numbered 0 through n-1, I figured it was easiest to work with a single array of points. The index would indicate which block it was, the x of the point would be it's X location on the grid and the y would be the y location on the slide. Then to draw them onscreen you just need to go through each of the items.
  8. I'll say C# if you're easiest with that. I swing both ways. SlinkingFerret is my AIM. Synthetikferret@yahoo.com is my MSN. But I'm off of work right now. You can email me at SlinkingFerret@d12designs.net if you like. I'll work on this some more tonite.
  9. Continuing with blocks... This would be a great time to pick up UML to diagram this out... Bear in mind that this is all psudocode and I havn't touched VB.net/C# so there will definately be mistakes! RobotMover -MoveOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) -MoveOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) -PileOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) -PileOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) -New(NumberOfBlocks as Integer) -Quit() point BlockOrder() //An array of points initiated in the constructor. //Each point will reveal which position left it is then which height it's at. int BlockQuantity //The number of blocks in the row. Determined through the constructor. -New(int NumberOfBlocks) //This sub will check for a valid # of blocks and assign to BlockQuantity //Initialze the BlockOrder array. This has a length of BlockQuantity-1. -Quit //This sub will clear all variables. It could have the code to quit the actual application, //but I'd rather keep that code outside of the class in case I want to port this to ASP.Net. //Then I we should be able to just use the class as it was in the windows application. -MoveOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) //moves all blocks from A & B's index to their initial positions. Great place for a private method to take care of this. //Actually move A onto B. -MoveOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) // Moves all blocks from on top of A to their initial position. // Move block A over to the top of column B -PileOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) // Move all blocks on top of B to their initial position. // Moves the entire column A on top of B, but in the same order. -PileOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) // Moves column A and places it on top of Column B -Unpile(Block as Integer) // Removes all blocks placed ontop of Block to their initial positions. // This is a private method to be used in multiple procedures. -point Blocks() //Readonly property which returns an array of points which represents the block positions. Yes, I really do need to work out some standard, either UML or stick to VB.Net or C#
  10. I want to start from the beginning and just run right through. Do you want to do this via email or these forums or a private forum (I have one set up)? The first problem is "The Blocks Problem" These are the goals: The valid commands for the robot arm that manipulates blocks are: * move a onto b where a and b are block numbers, puts block a onto block b after returning any blocks that are stacked on top of blocks a and b to their initial positions. * move a over b where a and b are block numbers, puts block a onto the top of the stack containing block b, after returning any blocks that are stacked on top of block a to their initial positions. * pile a onto b where a and b are block numbers, moves the pile of blocks consisting of block a, and any blocks that are stacked above block a, onto block b. All blocks on top of block b are moved to their initial positions prior to the pile taking place. The blocks stacked above block a retain their order when moved. * pile a over b where a and b are block numbers, puts the pile of blocks consisting of block a, and any blocks that are stacked above block a, onto the top of the stack containing block b. The blocks stacked above block a retain their original order when moved. * quit terminates manipulations in the block world. So, I see the best bet is to create a class: RobotMover -MoveOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) -MoveOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) -PileOnto(A as Integer, B as Integer) -PileOver(A as Integer, B as Integer) -New(NumberOfBlocks as Integer) -Quit() From here I could see keeping the Array outside the class and have the methods return an array value, but then you'll have to pass it in. I'd rather keep the array within class and have a get property for it. Any thoughts? I'm at work, but I'll continue to work on it.
  11. uh-oh. I'm surprised nobody has complained. On the main page, the shortened title is just ".Net Developers Needed!!" which is probobly pissing off a lot of people similar to how I was pissed off. I'll try to change the title a bit, if I can't can a mod help make it a little better like "Don't you hate it when .Net ads..." Sorry :D
  12. I continue to search for a .net developer job and so far I havn't found anything. I'm constantly getting my hopes up and then dashed again. I keep seeing headings like ".Net Developer Needed" "VB.Net Developer wanted", etc. Then you click (or read further for you non-technical job searchers) on the ad and it's like "looking for someone who can develep .net web pages" !? Sometimes you get "Looking for ASP.Net developers" in the description... I'm probobly just whiney, but I think it's annoying to see "VB.Net Developer Wanted" and then click on the add and it's for ASP.Net. True, some just advertise ASP.net. Where I am (NY) it seems that there are MUCH MORE ASP.Net positions and they tend to require much less experience, though also requiring a lot of other technologies and skills like graphic design, java script, php, database, etc. Now there are .Net desktop developer jobs available, but they're all pushing for a 4-6yr degree, 5-15 yrs programming experience and 4-5 years .Net experience (beta developers?). I also find it humorous when they still only pay 40,000-50,000 a year. I know level 1 support technicians that make that much money. Then there is the double whammy which confuses me. They ask for a master .Net person to do windows developing and ASP.net both. It seems to me that you're going to get someone less skilled in both areas. If you focus on one you're going to be more skilled in that one area ::shrugs:: Thats it. I guess I didn't have any real point to make, just venting... :D
  13. I'm so there
  14. Once data is in a stream, you can do pretty much anything to it in .net. You're talking about using a phone port to "scan nutriation info from a cerial box. "? I'm not sure how that would work. If you're talking about a laser scanner scanning data, then it can scan whatever is encoded into the barcode. If you're talking about a image scanner scanning an image and OCRing it into it's data and everything, I'd think that would be possible, but thats some pretty hardcore programming. Or did I totally miss the point of your question? :D
  15. That really makes me a loser, doesn't it? :D I realized the error the next day. I didn't bother changing it because on some Boards you can alter the title, but it won't alter the thread title displayed... and I'm lazy when it comes to that :p
  16. Wouldn't it be easier to just to set up a user (or multiple) account and not give them access to most of the folders? If you know what they're going to run, you can just give them read access to those particular folders and read/write to their own "my documents" folder. It's been a few years since my windows admin course in college, but I recall that you can create a template account to base all users off of and then alter things slightly as needed per account. I don't think you can still access files/folders by going command line. If so, then windows security really sucks.
  17. Thats good to hear. I'm going to get my MCAD then move onto my MCSD. Here in the States, it's the opposite with colleges. If you get a degree in Application Development, then take the 5 extra classes required to major in Database Theory, you don't get both degrees. I think it's a money issue. Where the schools want so much money per degree granted or something like that. Otherwise I'd have two degrees as I meet the requirements for Applications Development and Database Theory at the school I graduated from. :rolleyes: I suppose I was fearing something like the same from Microsoft where they would force you to pay for and take tests over again for multiple certifications. So if requirements overlap, you can apply the tests (required and elective) you took from one certification to another certification so long as they're all legal choices?
  18. I have the Microsoft Set. It could be good depending on how you learn. I personally learn best by doing and figuring out how to apply the new knowledge. These books don't take that into consideration. They just talk and talk, give you code samples, then baby-step walk you through a project or two at the end of each chapter. It does have questions in the back of each chapter and most are conversational rather than programmical. I'm nearly done with the windows programming book right now. Take that for what it's worth. This should have everything they're going to test on, I'm not sure if this is the best way for you to learn the information. Does anyone know if you can get the MCAD and then upgrade it to the MCSD?
  19. What do you turn off? I've never bothered to turn off anything in VS.Net, but while it's ram hungry, it plays well with other apps. When you're not using it, it goes down to 10mb if something else needs the memory. But then you have to wait for it to start up again and get everything back into RAM. So what do people turn off? I see a vote for dynamic help (I don't use it) and some sort of animation. Anything else you'd turn off?
  20. I learned VB mostly in VB.Net. VB6 doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me and vb6 doesn't always do what I'd expect it to do. I'm still confused by the fact that it has classes, but is only a little bit object oriented and lacks inheritence which prevents versioning bugs. I have to spend a lot of time looking things up and learning the specifics of that language. For some reason there isn't a ".Text" property for each visual control, so I never know which control uses ".Text" or ".Caption". I understand that VB6 is a very productive language, just as .Net is. But since I'm not used to VB6 I wouldn't be very productive in it until I learned all of the in's and out's, exceptions and patches. I won't even touch on making my own components or ActiveX/Com because thats like a whole 'nother languge seperate from VB6. :p
  21. You'll need to strip out the " exp." and convert the string to Int. I'd do it as a collection with a function. something like: Function TotalLabels(LabelCollection as collection) as Integer Dim strInteger as string dim len as integer dim total as integer for each strInteger in LabelCollection len = strinteger.length Total += ctype(integer, strInteger.Remove(len-5, len)) Next return Total End Function Just handle this under Label.textchanged to keep up to date with every change or call it only whenever you need it.
  22. Ok, I'm about halfway done with my VB.Net windows programming book for test 70-306. I can see it already. I can do everything in this damn book, but when I take the sample quizes at the end of the book, they ask for some random off the cuff trivia involving the chapter. I get the impression, based on the quizes in the chapters, that this tests more of your ability to sit down and hold a meaningfully accurate conversation about in depth topics with other programmers, rather than actually how well you can apply your knowledge in a real world environment. I can run through and do everything I've come across, then when I get to the quiz... :confused: I have a feeling that I'm going to finish this book, be able to program it backwards and forwards and still need to pick up some "Test King" study booklet to help me memorize the sort of trivia I'm expected to retain. Which makes me feel like I'm less of a programmer for some reason... like a looser. Well at least I'll know the technology and how to apply it. It won't be like I'm a total faker and just skipping the knowledge in favor of quick answers.
  23. That is the book. OOP isn't language specific, but I started to learn it in college with Java and was confused and bored to death by the dry reading. This book... well it isn't a Tom Clancy novel, but it's readable :D I just sat down and read the majority of it on a long bus ride. It's a nice book that doesn't assume you know anything more than basic programming principles and teaches a bit of the framework as well as using notepad to create classes and compile things command line the first chapter or two, before moving onto the .Net IDE. You can buy this book or get an electronic version readable online through safari (there is a link on Oreilly.com)
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