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About Mehyar

  • Birthday 11/09/1981

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Application Developer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Guys Thanks a million for your help !!!!
  2. All right.... Now I have a datetimepicker... What I need is to be able to do is, once the focus gets to the datetimepicker, I want the datetimepicker to open its calendar allowing the user to directly choose the date without him having to click on the arrow on the right of the control.... You know these user-friendliness issues :mad: Timeline is ticking my friends :D
  3. Ok Guys, found the answer... I have to set the Format Property to f3, it works, its weird how they dont mention these in the Visual Studio .NET help...
  4. Hello, I have a datagrid to which I added a tablestyle... Now for one tablestyle column I added a format = "N" because I wanted to format the numbers and have two digits after the decimal... However I ran into a problem when the requirement was changed to three digits after the decimal... I searched and could not find a format to change it to three... I know I can do it using FormatNumber, but yet If I do that I would have to manually do it for each cell in that column :mad: So is there an easier way ? Thanks in Advance ppl....
  5. Hello People .... I am having this very very weird problem.... I have a typed dataset that I manipulate through an XML Webservice... In my webservice I have a method to UpdateDataSet, it has the DataSet as a parameter... 'FareDataSet is the name of the Typed Dataset... Public Sub UpdateDataSet(ByVal Changes as FareDataSet) In my client I call this Method.. 'Mydataset is a dataset of type FareDataSet.... WS.UpdateDataSet(MyDataSet) The freaky thing is, I have a row in a table on my client, its state is Added when it reaches the webservice it just disappears !!! I know this becasue I debugged the program, I reached the statement: WS.UpdateDataSet(MyDataSet) And I checked that the row was still present in a table in MyDataSet... Once I stepforward in debugging, it directly reaches the WebService (No Calls between them that might change anything).. When the debugger reaches the webservice, this row will be gone !!!!!! The table.Rows.count returns zero !!! I checked other rows but everything was ok, its only this one ??? Any one has any ideas ???
  6. But its his computer, I cannot deny him accessing the Enterprise manager with sa account. I want to deny him access to the database of my program only. And I cant just tell him dont use the sa account on my database, I need to find a way to prevent even the sa account from accessing it....
  7. Well guys, it has been ages since I have been last here... But its good to be back.. I have a question, If my client has an SQL Server (he is using it using enterprise manager), and I gave him the MDF and LDF fiel of a certain database. Can I in some way prevent him from having access to that database (since I am delpoying my project on SQL Server) Note that he my client is an administrator on the SQL Server..... Thx in Advance...
  8. As long as it gives you an end result, I think you can say it works !!! Actually when you change the version Visual studio .NET automatically asks you to change the guid, and you are right you are installing over the existing one, but whats the problem as long as the client has the new software, and doesnot have two softwares and doesnot have to uninstall to install the new one. Thats all you need as a developer.
  9. You have to create a class that inherits from a datagird and override the event OnMouseDown, then in that event check if the user clicked on the rowresize then dont allow him to execute the mouse down Public Class MyDataGrid Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid 'create a constructor Public Sub New() 'call the constructor of the parent class MyBase.New() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Dim hti As DataGrid.HitTestInfo = Me.HitTest(New Point(e.X, e.Y)) If hti.Type = DataGrid.HitTestType.RowResize Then 'user clicked on row resize Return 'no baseclass call End If 'call the MouseDown event of the parent MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) End Sub End Class Now you will decalre your datagrid as mydatagrid Friend WithEvents datagrid1 as MyDataGrid 'instead of Friend WithEvents datagrid1 as System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid Hope this helps,
  10. I think Jedhi is talking about the byte and Byte in C# and VB.NET respectively. Byte represents 1 byte of memory = 8 bits (this type is present in VB.NET) byte is the same but this type is used in C# Hope this helps,
  11. In your button click event handler put this code 'I am quoting dynamic_sysop here Dim frmMain As New Form1() '/// where your Main Form's name would be inplace of Form1. frmMain.Text = Me.Name & ": " & TextBox1.Text '/// or MyBase.Name inplace of Me. '/// set it's caption to the user's name ( in TextBox1 ). frmMain.Show()'/// then show the form. Hope this helps,
  12. Ok Robby, I read this, the first part I already knew but the second part shocked me (passing parameters) !!! I always thought VB.NET behaved like Java in these issues (Java is my native university language). But this is ridiculious why did Microsoft follow this implementation. Moreover, I have a question. By default objects are passed by reference, even if you explicitly use the Byval keyword, do they follow what is said in the article ? If this is the case then we should avoid at all objects as parameters in VB.NET, and this draws some limitations while programming in VB.NET which I found as powerful as Java but with easier syntax... This is really disappointing ....
  13. Hamburger1984, I downloaded your zip great. It made me understand what we thought that there is no transperancy over controls is just an illusion. This is because there is no way to add a control to the control collection of a picture box at design time, so if you move the label over the picture box, the designer only places it above it, not in it. So if you move the picture box the label stays in its place, which is a proof that the label is not contained with in the picture box. So we had to do it through code. Unlike a panel when you move a label over it, it automatically places the label inside the panel and thus transparency works....
  14. Ya I get this error sometimes ....
  15. Y2L, I will post yor question in the private message here: In SQL, there are several date functions you can use. In your case there are two usefule functions: 1. Month: This function takes a date argument and returns an integer (between 1 to 12 representing the month part of that date) 2. YEAR: This function takes a date argument and returns an integer (representing the year part of that date) Examples: --get the records whose date is in march Select * From Table where Month(Date) = 3 --get the records whose year is after 2000 Select * From Table where Year(Date) > 2000 Hope this helps,
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