It SEEMS like the crappy upgrade wizard DOES come with Standard
First a little background on me. I am not a major VB programer, or a major programmer at all, I just make small utilities to do things I want. I learned what I know on VB6, with some help from a pretty knowledgable co-worker at my previous job.
Last week I went to the book store to get a book on programming with VB6, and saw the "Deluxe" step by step (MS) book with Standard 2003 bundled in. I thought, well, seems like more and more businesses are moving to the .net world, so maybe I should learn it. Wow.
That brings you to why I'm here. I've tried pulling up several VB6 projects in .net, and not a single one has been successful. EVERY time, I get some error while running the Upgrade Wizard. Sometimes it's that some module or form is missing (when it's not), or I get an error about missing design time licenses (i.e. for Winsock, RichTextBox, etc.).
I think it's also interesting that on the first screen of the upgrade wizard, it says it will copy form and class files and convert them. I've seen comments about the upgrade wizard not doing class files --unless I read those wrong, which is completely possible.
I'm REALLY disappointed that it sounds like, and based on my short experience, the upgrade wizard is a complete waste of hard drive space and anyone's time. Sure would have thought MS would have either made it WORK, or not include it AT ALL!
What a huge frustration to know that unless you want to rewrite all your code, you have to continue to have VB6 around. Sure seems like a big wasted effort to me. Does anyone disagree?
(stepping down off the well worn soap box).
:mad: Frustrated and Annoyed!!! :mad: