I'm sure I don't belong in this forum, but it is the one placewhere I felt I could get some expert advice. I am not a developer, so I would appreciate any replies to be in simple lay language.
I received a number of errors on my computer relating to dot net framework. The advice I received had me adding and removing dot net files and now I am not sure if I have what I need. Searching the add/remove files it shows:
Microsoft Net Framework 1.1
Microsoft Net Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB928366)
Microsoft Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
Am I missing Microsoft Net Framework 2.0? Are other files also missing? If I need to add files, which ones and in what order? Do I need to delete any files before adding others? Are reboots necessary, and if so, when?
A simple step by step guide would be appreciated along with a hypertext that would take me to the correct place to obtain the needed files.