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Everything posted by a_jam_sandwich

  1. http://www.abstractfonts.com/fonts/search/full_listing.htm?kw=dot Has some that look simular
  2. Why not find a font that looks like above there are hundreds and use the font. Just remeber to include the font in the distribution Andy :)
  3. Right the demo project, editor, source code and instructions are on my site feel free to download and use http://www.codeconcepts.co.uk Andy
  4. A small but great investment :) Andy
  5. Private Sub NumericUpDown1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudNumberOfGuests.ValueChanged If nudNumberOfGuests.Value > 2 Then txtGuestSurcharge.Text = nudNumberOfGuests.Value * csglGuestSurcharge End If If nudNumberOfGuests.Value <= 2 Then txtGuestSurcharge.Text = "0" End If txtGuestSurcharge.Text = Format(txtGuestSurcharge.Text, "c") End Sub
  6. You should be very able to have both frameworks installed at the same time stuff complied in 2002 with continue to use the 1.0 framework unless you specify otherwise with a .config file Andy
  7. http://www.csharphelp.com/archives/archive79.html has a article on this API Andy
  8. have a look at my tutorials For Access on my site should get a pretty good idea. Also there some demo projects Andy
  9. Well blow me .... :)
  10. Heres a project I started saturday its an idea to make formatted reports at the moment it works fine a few bugs and gliches but not too bad. Im current adding support for embeded images The other feature being added is for dynamic text Im thinking of maybe doing Repeat Regions and hooking datasets up in the future e.g. I place a label on the form with the text '{lastname}' and when the report is generated that label become what ever the dynamic text was you will get the idea in the next version Have a look if you want the updates say so otherwise I will not be posting them ;) Theres and example of a Report in the XML folder My next post will be a example of hooking the reports into your own programs Andy reportdesigner.zip
  11. Java is a great way of creating app for web client side so there its advantage and until .net implements client side app from web java will be around for a long time Andy
  12. when setting has hasmorepages what happes is that the printerdocument printpage sub is called again. What you need is a way to determin if your at the end of the document you want to print and if you are to set the following e.hasmorepages = false If your having problem after looking at you code post the print document sub up so we can have a look Andy
  13. instead of using the astrix use percentage SELECT Photos.Keywords FROM Photos WHERE (((Photos.Keywords) Like "%red%")); Andy
  15. Ive knocked you a example of loading and save/load from textbox controls in VB.Net have a look if you need more help just ask :) Andy control looping.zip
  16. My methord will not work as I thought you were creating a single instance of the form so remove my bit as they will make no diffrence any way. Can you attach the source so I can have a better look and in regards to VB6 being better than VB.NET it takes time getting used to because everything is so much more structured now. I said exactly the same 6 months ago now I carnt even look at VB6 Andy
  17. Right this should work when opening the form your code will look somthing like... Formname.mdiparent = me Formname.Show change it to somthing like the following formname.dispose formname = New formclass() formname.mdiparent = me formname.show Form name is whatever you called the form e.g Form1 Formclass is the name of the class of that form That shoud work as it disposes of the old form and created a new one as in the first time the form works Andy
  18. try removing the SqlConnection1.dispose so you only close the connection try that Andy
  19. Where are you assigning the SQL to the adapter? cause I belive that is what is not being called. Why not use the Step Through on the Debugger Andy
  20. Easiest way is to add a column to your table 'LOCK' when a record is being edited 'LOCK' will contain the UserID When user has updated record 'LOCK' is set to Null again All you need do now is when Editing check if LOCK is set if it is you can even say whos editing it if not edit the record. Andy
  21. Trim return the varible with spaces removed try Dim trimmedText = Trim(" sdkhsdhkfhsd ") Msgbox(trimmedText) Andy
  22. Try something like SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.X, Table2.Y, Table3.Name FROM (Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.ID = Table2.ID) RIGHT JOIN Table3 ON Table1.ID = Table3.ID
  23. I can't quite see how table 3 relates to table1 or table2 Table1 right join to Table2 using Table1.x & Table2.y Table3 ??? Relate to (Table1 or Table2) Please explain abit more :) Andy
  24. How many tables ???
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