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Everything posted by a_jam_sandwich

  1. Well done for your son !!! Now he's worked HARD he can play HARD!!!!!!!!!! ( Well if you say so :) ) And you can buy im a beer Andy
  2. explain in a bit more detail What do you mean by popup? Andy
  3. narh
  4. thought that myself and ive tried the bring to front the flicker is occasional and pretty minimal * ill live with it * Cheers Andy
  5. why not use a panel and override the paint function of that to draw you board etc then you can set the Z-Order whenever you like Andy
  6. I always use date RAW for as a double for anything to do with tranfering. Andy
  7. what installer u gonna use Andy
  8. Ive got quite a lot of panels im using as pages within a windows form but when changing between then i sometimes get flicker anyone got any ideas? I use the process of 1. Show panel 2. Hide all others Andy
  9. I alway convert my dates to double before putting into database using this method DateTimePicker1.Value.ToOADate() You can then be sure no matter what format or reginal settings are on the date, the date value is correct SQL: strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Dob = " & Datetimepicker1.Value.ToOADate() " & WHERE EmployeeID = 10001" Andy
  10. Does it happen on any other apps running on your shiney new PC? Andy
  11. LOL :)
  12. Doesn't matter figured it out The above will draw untill selected and out of focus after that the drawitem draws
  13. Right the following code works to a point. Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) MyBase.WndProc(m) Select Case m.Msg Case &HF Dim e As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim bgBrush As New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor) Dim boxBrush As New SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control) Dim arrowBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black) Dim arrowBrushSelected As New SolidBrush(SystemColors.Highlight) e.FillRectangle(bgBrush, e.ClipBounds) Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 19, 3, 15, Me.Height - 6) e.FillRectangle(boxBrush, rect) Dim pth As Drawing2D.GraphicsPath = New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath() Dim TopLeft As PointF = New PointF(Me.Width - 16, (Me.Height - 5) / 2) Dim TopRight As PointF = New PointF(Me.Width - 8, (Me.Height - 5) / 2) Dim Bottom As PointF = New PointF(Me.Width - 12, (Me.Height + 2) / 2) pth.AddLine(TopLeft, TopRight) pth.AddLine(TopRight, Bottom) e.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias e.FillPath(arrowBrush, pth) ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e, ClientRectangle, Color.Black, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid) End Select End Sub Looks great but when changing combobox.text to a text item in the list it will not be visable unless the control gets focus and you pull the dropdown down. Any ideas? Andy
  14. Why not create a Server \ Client App and place it on both computers that will transfer a file via the sockets namespace Andy
  15. what are you trying to update ? The datasets table or The database using the dataset table Andy
  16. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/downloads/samples/default.asp There is an example of simple printing in the above website Andy
  17. No the datareader doesn't perform any inserting, updating or deleting it is just a data reader. The way the inserting, updating and deleting works is that that you send a command to the database (SQL), and the database perfoms this command. Dim MyCommand As New OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE ID = 1", MyConnection) MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() If you look at the above example the command is created with the SQL (Command) within the first part of the indices.Because we are using .ExecuteNonQuery with the command 2nd line down the only thing returned from this function is the count of rows affected by the SQL command. And yes this is a quick method for speed, the datasets are greate for holding information without being connected to database but slow when it comes to updating.As with everything else that means more code. Andy
  18. Only diffrence is you have to call itself so container controls such as Panels will have the controls runthrough Andy
  19. Public Function NextCycle(ByRef ControlName As Object) As String Dim Ctl As Control For Each Ctl In ControlName.Controls If TypeOf Ctl is Textbox then Ctl.Text = "HELLO" ' If TypeOf Ctl is ...... NextCycle(Ctl) Next Ctl End Function Will Cycle through notice it calls itself, this is for controls such as panels which are containers themselves so it will loop through each container Call it by NextCycle(Me) For each control on the form Hope it Helps Andy
  20. if your using SQL server yes Via stored procedures and triggers Andy
  21. Whats your code Look at the Update method with the CommandBuilder using the dataadapter this will do what you want Andy
  22. Basic downloader Here it is ive commented it in a rush but here it is Hope it helps Thourght i'd add i have remove all binary files :rolleyes: Andy basic http downloader with comments.zip
  23. bear in mind every time anything uses the dataread.read the pointer for the data will move forward one record. Andy
  24. Have 2 installs one with the Framework and one without then the user can choose depending on there configeration Andy
  25. the idea is you create a update.dat will the urls to download and put this on the HTTP server... Every time you hit update providing you have setup the settings.ini the update.dat file is downloaded then all files specified in the update.dat are downloaded. I can put together a simpler example if you like Andy
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