Okay... time to get explanatory. I'm attempting to include a section on my website that displays users currently logged on, and the number of guests that are on the site. I have a DB setup with the appropriate fields, and have no problem populating them (adding a guest upon opening the site, adding a user that's logged in to my list), but rather unpopulating/updating them upon the user leaving.
I've seen this done in many PHP sites, and some .NET, but don't know how to do it myself. Should this be a global.asax thing? I've yet to do a project with global.asax, and this is probably a good time to start. Please let me know.
the website is http://www.JoshAndBrandi.com/NEW/
feel free to take a look and provide any other constructive criticism. BTW, this site is going to be 100% text/css - NO PICTURES. I'm attempting to provide a VERY speedy product for people that are even on dial-up.