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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. I had that same problem and couldn't find a solution. What I did was, place a label control below each textbox, and instead od disabling the textbox, I hide it and set the label's text to the textbox's text......
  2. You can use a literal control...
  3. Its probably something to do with your browser, I don't think it has anything to do with asp.net
  4. It will have no effect since you need to create an object of type form2 to access its public members and methods
  5. But there must be a solution for this. I have another similar problem too. Some times, when I edit using html view and switch back to design view, vs.net crashes. When this happens, the only way I can edit my aspx file is by using dreamweaver or some other text editor
  6. I think you should refill your datatable and rebind your datagrid
  7. Can you post the connection string to see if it has a problem
  8. I don't think you can specify a size for the integer type
  9. One more point, PHP is alot easier to learn....
  10. Flash is the best way to go, you can use javascript too
  11. You can use the Format Datagrid dialog box to give alternating rows different colors
  12. I think the problem occurs when you try to paste a piece of vb code in an asp page when the page is in design view, vs.net will consider it as html code and will change the & to &amp. Now even if you change to html view and change the &amp to &, vs.net will change it back to &amp.........strange
  13. You just have to create objects of type Customer, CustomerStatus, CustomerType, MiscSelects and State in your db class
  14. I had that same problem. So what I did was edit the aspx file using Dreamweaver, not vs.net
  15. PHP needs Apache server, which runs on Linux servers, which is much more secure than windows servers. PHP, MySQL and Apache are all for free. PHP hosting is still cheaper than windows hosting. These are some reasons why its so popular.
  16. http://www.mentalis.org Has alot of api's
  17. you're welcomed
  18. I think you can do it without Server.MapPath(), just "Databse/myDB.mdb"
  19. http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/threader.asp http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/threadingvbnet.asp
  20. Read about the Threading Namespace
  21. CType(Session("tableCart"),DataTable).Rows.Clear()
  22. Make sure that you're not runnung your application before adding anything
  23. http://www.sitepoint.com/article/870?ct=1 http://www.asp.net/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?tabindex=1&PostID=733 http://www.asp.net/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?tabindex=1&PostID=145745
  24. Use a main sub to launch your program Public Sub main() Application.EnableVisualStyles() Application.DoEvents() Application.Run(New MainForm()) End Sub
  25. model.Items.clear() model.Items.Add("Select...")
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