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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. try this reader.read() x=reader("e1").tostring() response.write(vbcr & x)
  2. update yourtable set [position]=FR-02 where PRI=1113 use this sql statement to update your table
  3. If your application is a windows application, then you have to use a datatable instead of a datareader, but if its a web application you can use this DataGrid1.DataSource=myODBCreader DataGrid1.DataBind()
  4. is this other page from the same application?
  5. You can do it using a function Private Function CheckIfDBNull(ByVal ob as Object) as Integer If ob Is DBNull.Value Then return 0 Else Return Ctype(ob,Integer) End Function then you can use this function row.Item("Future")=CheckIfDBNull(row.Item("Future"))
  6. http://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/UserSamples/Details.aspx?SampleGuid=03578d48-db51-4b48-b166-88933bd6cd68 hope this helps
  7. I don't have help installed
  8. why don't you use a session variable...
  9. http://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/UserSamples/Details.aspx?SampleGuid=7f2a3d37-7e32-42f3-9909-76573493501b check it out, it might help you
  10. private function myfunction() 'do your stuff here end function call this function in the eventhandlers of your imagebutton and linkbutton
  11. you can use the selectedindexchanged event, and use the selectedindex property to retrieve the desired row from the dataset
  12. http://www.codeproject.com http://www.gotdotnet.com have alot of samples that demonstrate uploading files to the server
  13. Why don't you write one function that does your work and call it in two event handlers????
  14. I have 1 gig ram, how much more should I get!!!!!
  15. yes me too, when I do a refresh. But it comes when I recompile my project and then do a refresh....
  16. I sometimes get this error and I'm using .NET Framework 1.1 and vs.net 2003. But I only get this error sometimes only when I'm still developing the page, since I compile and recompile many times...
  17. I had that same problem, I was using vb.net. It seems that when the file gets larger vs.net takes time to parse it.
  18. what do you mean by 'But the problem is I dont know the exact location of this w6.aspx file.' Isn't it in folder3?? you can use this to redirect to it Response.Redirect("../folder3/w6.aspx")
  19. You can't use a datalist in a windows application, you can't use any webform control in a windows application
  20. copy the dll to your bin directory and add a reference to it in your project...
  21. what is tq() and which statement causes the error?
  22. what do you mean by 'cut off'. May be the resolution of the other machine is different
  23. what you can do is, when a user logs in, you find out to what department he belongs and then save a folder name in a session variable.
  24. you don't you place the javascript inside the usercontrol TextBox2.focus();
  25. you mean you want the person uploading the file to choose a folder on the server to save the file to?
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