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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. I use 'Environment.NewLine' in VB.NET, I'm not sure if it works for J#
  2. If the information you're saving in session variable are used in one page only, I suggest using viewstate instead, it gets cleared as soon as you leave the page...
  3. you can use typeof, for example if typeof ctrl is textbox then 'your code end if
  4. What I meant was, if windows forms are not used, can MessageBox be used, for example, can it be used in a console appilication.
  5. I have a question, where else can Messagebox be used other than in a windows form????
  6. MessageBox.Show("message")
  7. I need a way to get all textboxes no matter in which container they are, they might be in a panel or a table, or directly on the page........
  8. Is there a way to get references to all the textboxes in a webform??? thnx
  9. you can use raname.ShowDialog() and do what ever you want after this statement Execution will stop at this statement untill you close the rename form.
  10. You can pass the dataset to Form2 throught its constructor if Form2: Dim ds As DataSet Public Sub New(ByVal d as DataSet) ds=d End Sub in Form1: Dim f As New Form2(mydataset) f.ShowDialog()
  11. One of the reasons I think is that now there are alot of .NET resources on the net, articles, sample code, libraries..etc. If some one is stuck on some thing that he can't solve, before posting his problem here, he'll look for articles and code samples that solves his problems. If he doesn't find, then his choice will be to post his problem in a forum. When this forum first started, .NET was a new technology, so there wasn't much about it on the net....which is not the case now
  12. Yes, this is what I meant, can you please give an en example....
  13. How can I convert a hexdecimal number to an integer???
  14. by the way, what is ctl, I think you should have AddHandler TextBoxes(num - 1).Click, AddressOf Labels_Click
  15. I don't think its the problem, but did you try to remove 'handles MyBase.Click' from the function decleration
  16. shouldn't the addhanlder statement be something like AddHandler ctl.click, AddressOf Labels_Click
  17. Are there any generated items in the datalist? If not then your datatable is empty. If the items are generated but they're empty, then you have a binding problem...
  18. http://www.datagridgirl.com/customcolumns.aspx I guess this is what you want
  19. Try to set the 'display' style property of your panel to "block", not sure if it will solve the problem
  20. INSERT INTO Schedule (schStartTime, schEndTime, schNote, sId, hId, cId, schPending) VALUES (@startDT, @endDT, @Note, @sAlias, @hName, @cName, 5) I'm not sure, but what is the type of hId and cId, they seem IDs to me, and you're assigning string values to them, @hName and @cName. Can you post the structure of your table.....
  21. test.Visible = False
  22. You can use mdi forms....
  23. the problem is not with the string. If this is how you're doing it then you're only creating a reference to a combobox, you need to initialize it Dim cmbExample As ComboBox cmbExample=New ComboBox() cmbExample.Items.Add("Test")
  24. Can you post some of your code to see where's the problem.....
  25. I always use If Request.QueryString("myvar")<>"" Then '''code End If works for session variables too
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