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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. Hello, I'm trying to install Sql Server Notification service on my pc, which has sql server 2000 and vs.net 2003 installed on, but when I try to install it I get an error saying that I should have the .net framework installed before continue with the installation. Any one has any idea why is it doing this?? Thanks
  2. You can put these controls in a datagrid template columns and bind this datagrid to a datatable. When ever you want to add another row, add a new datarow to the datatable and rebind it to the datagrid
  3. what do you mean by "sessions in the 2 windows get mixed up"? How do they get mixed up????
  4. as I said in the last post, use Request.QueryString("MyValue") in the target page for example, in the page load event of the target page Dim x As String=Request.QueryString("MyValue")
  5. you can use the Request Object. It has properties like Request.Url, Request.HostName.....
  6. You question doesn't make clear if the method is an event handler or just a method. I suppose its an event handler for multilpe controls. If so you can cast the sender parameter to the type of the control and check the ID property to see who did the postback Ctype(sender,Button).ID="button1"
  7. Its because they have the same value. Each item in the radiobutton list has a text property and a value property. If 2 items have the same value, selecting any will always select the first one. Try setting unique values for each item...
  8. Try e.Cell.Controls(0).Font. You have to change the font of the link button thats inside the cell. If Controls(0) doesn't work, try Controls(1)
  9. Dim sScript As String sScript = "<script>window.open('newpage.aspx?ID=" & MyValue &"','','height=100','width=100','scrollbars=no');<" & "/script>" Response.Write(sScript) You can then read the value in the popup page as you do in any normal page using Request.QueryString("ID")
  10. RegisterStartupScript("sc","<script>window.open("myurl")</script>")
  11. I guess using java applets or flash movies would be a better choice, and easier to implement, and would give better end results.
  12. Remember that if you add a dynamic control to a webform, you have to recreate it and added to the controls collection at every postback
  13. I don't know why you need the tagname. If you want to access properties/methods of the usercontrols, you can use either of these 2 ways. 1. Declare a variable of the same type and same name of your usercontrol eg. Dim Login1 As New Login 2.You can use the FindControl method to get a reference to your usercontrol, but you have to cast it to the proper type eg. Ctype(Me.FindControl("Login1"),Login).Visible=True
  14. check out this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/community/authors/datagridgirl/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/creatingcustomcolumns.asp
  15. This is what I did, I created a new login and used it, but its still telling me that user '<null>' has no permissions to login to sql server...
  16. I have mixed mode authentication enabled, I'm really getting a headache from this, I've been trying to install it for 3 days now.....hope I find a solution soon
  17. sql authentication is enabled, this is how I login to sql server.
  18. Yes, but when it comes to the screen where I have to type in the name of the server and the type of login, I get a strange error I type in the name of the computer that has sqlserver installed on it, and choose sql server login and type try to login using the 'sa' account which I usually use. I get an error telling me that user '<null>' cannot login to the sql server....... My question is, is it possible to install reporting services if sql server is on one computer and the vs.net and iis is on another? If so, why am I getting this error?
  19. Hi, I just got SQL Server Reporting Services and I want to install it. The problem is that SQL Server is on one machine and visual studio along with IIS is on another machine. Is there that I can install reporting services such that the server tools are installed on sql server machine and the development tools are installed on vs.net machine????
  20. I've been working on an asp.net project for over 2 months now. I was working on my local machine, so I never cared about the size of the page. But lately I started checking the viewstate of my pages, and, they were big. The smallest was about 8KB. Some reached to about 100KB....... Any suggestions or ideas on how to reduce the size of the viewstate.... Thanks
  21. I used to get this exception when I use System.Drawing.Image.FromFile() to load an image from a file, and the file is not an image......
  22. Hi, I'm trying to make this namespace hierarchy myproj.dataaccess myproj.bussiness so what I've done is create 2 projects in my main solution and called them dataaccess and bussiness. Now in both projects I set the root namespace to be myproj..... Is this the right way to do it....... I also want the two namespaces to be in 2 different assemblies, but belonging to the same namespace......can it be done?? thanks
  23. You have this in your class Public Class index Inherits System.Web.UI.Page and this in your aspx page <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="index.aspx.vb" Inherits="AxisFellowship.WebForm1"%> try to change Inherits="AxisFellowship.WebForm1" to Inherits="AxisFellowship.index"
  24. try giving the asp.net process write access to your web application through iis
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