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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. No I mean the images should be in the client's application directory. If the images folder and the webform are in the folder, then the relative path to your images would be "images/myimage.jpg"....
  2. what type of exception are you getting??
  3. 'daDataAdapter = MyCommand.ExecuteScalar()' I dont think you can do that..
  4. Place your images in your application directory and use a relative path instead...
  5. you can place your controls in a panel and add the panel to the Controls collection of the table cell
  6. I mean, for example, if you have a folder called images in your web application folder, you just use Server.MapPath("images"), not Server.MapPath("c:\...\images").......get my point
  7. I think you should use a relative path with Server.MapPath
  8. right click->properties... type in the path of your movie in the Movie URL textbox....thats it
  9. You need the flash player activex control installed. On the toolbar right click and choose customize toolbar, then from COM components, choose flash shockwave object Thats it, now drag the control on the form, right click on it and choose properties, place the path of your swf in the Movie URL textbox and then click ok.........
  10. You're welcomed
  11. This is one way of doing it (see the attached file), you just have to find a way to center the image form in the mdi parent form.
  12. What do you mean by 'the datagrid to return all records containing the name smith in the "name" field'. You can create a select query from the text in the textbox and display the result in the datagrid.......
  13. If (Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK) Then _filename = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName Me.txtFileName.Text = _filename End If I use this on a buttons click event. As Klogg said, after I used the OpenFileDialog, the default folder changes to the folder that I navigated to...
  14. Thats what I did, I set the connectionstring at runtime. But now I have another problem. My application copies files to a folder thats in the same folder as the application, I was using relative addressing ' for example, instead of using c:\myprog\media, I just use media', and it was working fine. But after I started using OpenFileDialog, I got these errors that the folder media is not found, it looks for the folder media in the same folder that I chose a file using OpenFileDialog.........
  15. What do you search for???Is it a database or a text file??
  16. Hi, I have a form with a textbox and two buttons. I use one button to open a OpenFileDialog box to choose a file, and the other button to add the chosen file name to a database. The problem is that, If I type the path of the file in the textbox, it works fine, but if I choose it using the OpenFileDialog box, I get an error telling me that it couldn't find the database. The problem is that it looks for the database file in the same folder that I chose the file to add from. I'm using access database, heres the connectionstring that I'm using 'Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=;Data Source=""MediaDB.mdb"";Password=;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Provider=""Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"";Jet OLEDB:System database=;Jet OLEDB:SFP=False;Extended Properties=;Mode=Share Deny None;Jet OLEDB:New Database Password=;Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Don't Copy Locale on Compact=False;Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False;User ID=Admin;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False' Any one knows whats going wrong????
  17. Thanks, but I have another question. How can I get all the handles of an already opened file thanks alot
  18. Hi, heres my problem I'm copying an image file from a cd to the hard drive using FileInfo.CopyTo() method. I'm then displaying this image in a picturebox picBox.Image=Image.FromFile(_filename) After I close the form, I want to delete this image, but I'm getting an error telling me that I can't delete it because another process is using it. I'm using the form's closing event to delete it....Any ideas? Thanks
  19. Does any one have a sample on how to add a progress bar to a status bar.... Thanks
  20. Pass a reference of the first form to the second and call its public function that you used to fill the datagrid...
  21. Hi, how can we get the label of the cd in a cd drive......something else, how can we check if theres a cd in the cd drive???? Thanks
  22. thanks for the help...
  23. Can any one give me a sample on how to use configuration files with windows applications........
  24. How about checking for the KeyPress event...
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