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Everything posted by wessamzeidan

  1. I can suggest two reasons: 1. The name of the html has a space. 2. The html control is a radio button, so may be Request.Form("Tipo mensaje") returns some sort of a boolean
  2. I've tried something like this before, but didn't work. What I did was place the filename in a label above the HtmlInputFile control.....
  3. you can declare a variable that holds the controls name, and use the onfocus event of a control to place its name in that variable, which you can use later......
  4. you controls might be in panels, or other containers. The above code will only effect controls placed directly on the webform.
  5. You might have an error in your sql query if it contains multiple tables....
  6. I'm not sure of what I'm saying, but I think you can read the text the same you javascript reads the text from a textbox in a webpage, document.myForm.myTextbox.value
  7. You can do this, if you have a variable called username and another called password dim urlString as string="http://localhost/mypage.asp?username=" & username & "&password=" & password Process.Start(urlString) Now for encryption, read about the cryptography namespace.....
  8. first the function btnDwnldComma_Click has no 'handles' after it. I think the problem is from the createFile function, what does it return?
  9. use the target property of your link ex: target="mainframe"
  10. In the COM tab, click browse and choose your dll......
  11. I think you can just use Application.AppPath
  12. I think theres a way to do that. Declare a function in your codebehind file that encrypts the values, and use it in your aspx file, like this NavigateUrl='<%# "NewsDetails.aspx?NewsId="+enc(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.NewsId")) %>' Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.subject") %>'> enc(), is your function.......get what I mean
  13. Why would you want to do that? Why not just use the link to navigate to the other webpage?
  14. Whats the error you're getting?
  15. You can use the file field control to upload the file to the server, and save the name of the file in the database.
  16. I've got similar problems too with Netscape. I have label that has its forecolor set to red. In IE it works fine, but in Netscape the text appears black.....
  17. Could you clarify your question more. Do you want to choose random colors from those 12 colors?
  18. one way is by changing your SQL query
  19. Why would you want to do that, I mean, why do you want the session ID to change?
  20. using System; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace xxxxx { /// <summary> /// Summary description for Identification. /// </summary> public class Identification { public bool Verification(string usersID, string usersPasswd) { String myConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=LibraryData;server=Localhost;Password=;data source=STARKEZN"; string mySelectQuery = "SELECT * "+ "FROM USERS "+ "WHERE userID = '" + @usersID + "' AND userPasswd = '" + @usersPasswd +"'"; OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(myConnectionString); OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(mySelectQuery,myConnection); myConnection.Open(); OleDbDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); try { if (myReader.Read()==false) { return false; } else { return true; } } catch { return false; } finally { myReader.Close(); myConnection.Close(); } } public string getName(string userName) { return userName; } } } Try it.........
  21. All what you need to change in Dreamweaver is the .aspx file, no code will be changed, but make sure not to change the names of the controls........
  22. From what I understood about the project, its slow and to make it faster you need to reimplement it using another platform, which means that other platforms are better than the .NET in terms of performance. I think that this is dangerous, since the .NET platform is the latest of them all and its supposed to provide every thing other platforms provide... My point is, if another language would give better performance, why use .NET in the first place......
  23. Well, it depends on the type of the project , but I guess java would be a good choice.
  24. also check your dataset
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