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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by vidiware

  1. Can you get visual basic to terminate an API call when it exits without returning that damn error? im tarling about mciSendString... And i neeed some close things else it will return an error
  2. What exactly is C#???? A c++ lite? with basic elements? In visual studio you have the possibility to make programs wiithout the form in visual basic, whats now the difference between vc++ and vb when you remove the visual thing? Im really fustrated... Quite newbie programmer, who want to program in DX (7-9) and want to learn c++ at the same time... Can you please recommand me something
  3. But can you pub in comments... what variables that does wich part of the animation
  4. thank you for this... i was unavailible to ansver for a while... but this is what i was looking for
  5. Im a complete newbie to high level programming in vb 6/vb.net and i want to learn to develop dx applications in c++.net. Im a completly newbie in c++ but i can that basic cin/cout and variable stufff... and if and for and while... What guides/books do you recommand for me, I appreaciate free online guides..., and i wish i knew how to make a real time strategy with networking... any guides?
  6. are thy using the same commands or are DX7,8,9 completly different???
  7. How can you instert sound and music in visual basic and other .net applications? Are there ways other than direcx? How do you do it in DX7 or 8... Is there a very easy component??? I'm writing a simple program controlling the Legominstorms robot for my younger brother... and want to enchante the program please answer quickly
  8. How can i get f eks the value 0, 255,255 transparent?
  9. I really can't get this to work... can you write an example?
  10. thank you... Does this code load an image from file? To make a sprite image: How do you load it then? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 here are 10 images in one .bmp file... all the small images are 32x32 how can you load picture 1, into image 1, picture 2 into image 2?
  11. Is it possible to read picturefiles with many pictures in one, and read from pixel x to y when certain conditions are met, and from y to z at other conditions? Hope you understand what im meaning.
  12. okay thank you
  13. Thank you... very much... but a it was a lot more complicated than VB6.0
  14. Hi! Im new here and I'm just asking how you can perform a sucessful KEYDOWN in Visual Basic .NET. When I'm writing Private Sub frmGame_KeyDown(ByVal keycode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) If keycode = vbkeyup Then End End Sub Something problemo is about the vbkey up thing... This worked in 6.0, but can you write a key down example in .NET?
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