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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by vidiware

  1. is there a way to create x to infinite command buttons or a images from scratch (with Code, and loop)? in vb.net?
  2. How do you drop the memory usage down??? A blank frame application is using massive 14000k memory vs a Delphi 7 applications 3-4000k... Do you have any ideas how to drop it?
  3. In VB 6 you could write somehting like: Open xxx for input as #1.... can someone explain me in detail how you opens a textfile for input or output in VB.NET?
  4. Can any1 tell me the beasic use of arrays and how to use em properly?
  5. Hi, can anyone tell me how i can read the file C:\image.txt with the Rich Text thing, edit it and then save it as C:\image2.txt?
  6. ok but the code you showed me made some terrible buggy stripes around the image... Is there any guides? The Picturebox thing is already too slow...
  7. But thiere is a small but!!!! The image is transparent compared to the background of the form!!! But its not transparent at other picture boxes
  8. I have VB.NET with image boxes (just an easy game): What is a fast (Both coding and CPU usage) way to test if: Image1 is inside Image2, and then execute the sub Sub1()? ________ | | | Pic1 _|_____ | | | | |_____|_| Pic2 | |______| Can anyone make some easy code?
  9. Well you had a point:D I did somehting wrong! And I corrected it tnx to u!:D :D
  10. Well yeah... the background color... but if you put that image on the top of another one... its still same color as the background, conclution: it is gointg to the same color as the background... Not transparent
  11. Is there a way to get bitblt to work? I want to have transparent images... If you use. XXX.MAkeTransparent (cl.White) That color changes to the same as the background of the form... I want to use that black mask system that everything that is not covered with black is invisible... how do ya do this in vb.net? or is there another way to make the thing completely transparent, (exept at the colored points ;-))
  12. Load image into pictureboX: How do you do it in vb.net? I have forgot it I have to load from file... buut how... Load image from file
  13. I got a silly "tail" after the image in a color i can choos by my self, but i want it to be transparent. Here is the code: Private Sub DrawAll() Dim Airwing As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\images\airwing.bmp") Dim AirwingX As Int32 = 0 Dim AirwingY As Int32 = 0 Dim LastAirwingX As Int32 = 0 Dim LastAirwingY As Int32 = 0 Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics() g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Transparent, LastAirwingX, LastAirwingY, Airwing.Width, Airwing.Height) g.DrawImage(Airwing, AirwingX, AirwingY) g.Dispose() LastAirwingX = AirwingX LastAirwingY = AirwingY EndSub Im supposed to move the figure with the keys and that works but i cant remove a silly tail that is made by different things... Look at the image The PictureBox is is makeing a "green tail that kills the black one" But the LoadFromFile image is making a silly tale... And when they cross each other... it look stupid... Can sombody help me remove this? problem.zip
  14. Is there a way to use masks in VB.NET?? I have a picture that needs the color white to be transparent. Can you help me? (Gifs are not an option)
  15. Thank you! This is a bit off topic: What ICQ program can you reccomand? Can you add my mail when that damm service is up and running again? vidiware@broadpark.no
  16. This is now finnished... I made it complete.. now the mainfunction are quite simple calling 2 functions... Do you want it? Can you explain the Try/Catch statement for me? And was that statement for solving that loop error? Do you want the new source?
  17. only Yahoo! MEssenger there... Do you have MSN??? int CreateRandomNumber(int RandomNumber) { srand((unsigned)time( NULL ) ); RandomNumber = rand()%101; return RandomNumber; } how can i call a functino like this and exctract the data from here and into a variable in the main form? void main() { CreateRandomNumber(what should be placed here???*) } * I the variable in that position that is assigned the return value? Where is the return value assigned?
  18. Any Suggestions to not permit ppl type in letterS? And i must admit im quite unsure at how to get that function CreateRandomNumber return a value... and that other poniter thing is completly unknown to me:confused: i have a lot to learn... can you give me the solution?
  19. Thank you... du you have a msn messenger adress? I will see what i can do
  20. Well its finnished! My Randomizer Project... Im releasing it under General Public Licence... Happy using of it.... And can you see if that was a nice way to complete my "Newbie" mission? You need to compilet it with MS Visual Studio .NEt or at least C++ .NET. I dont hope you need that framework thing installed!!!! :D And maybe you can compile it with any C++ Compiler!!!:rolleyes: Please tell me what you think!!! randomizer.zip
  21. in c++ i cant write: // Randomizer.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Here are the problem cout << "Hi, welcome to VidiWare Randomizer Game!/n"; return 0; } I have to put up std::cout ... Whats wrong... I did call STDLIB.H... ------------------------------------------------------------- And is there a way to pause the application under debugging? If it ends on output you can't see it
  22. Im a newbie, and its not tested... but HTML urls often use keys like this %2 g% and something for spesial keys liek norwegian ø I think space is %20 or 20% try to use that instead of ' ' (space)
  23. Online -Yes... but as afar as i saw, not free... Do you have any good books in easy english? Any recommadations... Im going to the bookstore soon
  24. I have made a program like that in quick basic... In c++ consolemode i will start now! But in winows mode im sorry doesn't have a chance
  25. Thank you! But what do i need to know about the basics in c++ before i continiue with directx???
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