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About kromax

  • Birthday 12/16/1956

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've tried the code you post but nothing happened. The problem still continue. Even if I've solved the problem writing new value directly into the listview to show to user the change, I'd like to solve the problem in smarter way.
  2. Fine. Thank you very much
  3. Thank you PlausiblyDamp. Unfortunely I Can't understand your replay probably due to my english. I'm italian. Could you please expose your replay in a different way, possibly with one or two lines of code? Thank you.
  4. Hi, I have a listview filled with a table from database with: Private Sub FillList () .... .... SQL = "SELECT * FROM Voti" dataSetVoti = New DataSet() mioDataAdapter = New OdbcDataAdapter(SQL, dbConn) mioDataAdapter.Fill(dataSetVoti, "Voti") For Each resDataRow In dataSetVoti.Tables("Voti").Rows lstItem = ListView1.Items.Add(resDataRow("Voti")) ..... Next ..... ..... End Sub Then if I Update the table with: Dim cmdVoti As OdbcCommand Dim dbWriter As OdbcDataReader SQL = "UPDATE Voti SET Voti = " & votiToAdd & " WHERE Codice = " & CLng(lvi.SubItems(4).Text) cmdVoti = New OdbcCommand(SQL, dbAccr) dbWriter = cmdVoti.ExecuteReader dbWriter.Close() and then call FillList () the table in database is updated but I do not see any changes in listview until I perform another Update and see the changes for the previous record updated and not for the last one or I have to close the form and re-open it to see the updated records. Which is the mistake? Thank you in advance.
  5. I don't understand the word "locale" in "Have you given the resource a locale that is different from the form itself?"
  6. Hi, I do not load the image from code. As I wrote I've set the image in the BackGroundImage property choosing "Import" from "Local resource" in the dialog box. Then I effectively see the image in the form in editor, but when I launch the application this image does not appear and the form has the system grey background color. I tried also to set a backgroundimage on a command button, but it's the same: the image does not appear at runtime. Then I guess there is a wrong setting or coding somewhere I can't see. I've performed several times the same operation with other applications and they work fine, but not this one. Any suggestions?
  7. Hi, I'm experiencing a strange effect. I have a form with a backgroundimage set to a jpg in the relative property. I can see the image in the form ind the IDE, but when I start application the form has the system grey color and no image is displayed. I wrote several apllications and this is the first time it happens. Any suggestions. Thank you in advance. Kromax
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