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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Which links you talking about?
  2. Use http://extremetechsupport.com/chat That's an applet I set up for the vb forum to use. It will put you in #visualbasicforum after you fill in a username. Once connected you can then /join#dotnetforums. You can also connect with mIrc or any IRC client. Server: irc.extremetechsupport.com or irc.bobschwarz.com
  3. This will be fixed very shortly.
  4. Please see my post at ExVBF so I don't have to copy the same here: http://visualbasicforum.com/t130577.html I want to thank Divil, Derek and the rest of the people that were here in the begining and made this site a great resource. If you want to chat with me stop by my new site. I'll be there. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. Over and out, Bob Schwarz, Sr.
  5. Might want to drop an email to them and ask them to explain it. The privacy policy that is up here doesn't contain anything about granting full copyrights to anything you post. I can agree that a programming site where code is posted shouldn't have such a statement in the privacy statement. In the footer I used to have a statement that all posts are property of the respective poster and could only be used with permission. Somewhere along the way working on the site templates it was removed. Being that it was at the bottom of each page I never missed it not being there.
  6. You won't see them either. All the other communities that they acquired remained the same. They might add their header with links to their other sites and will add their own banners, but everything will remain the same.
  7. Post your thoughts and any questions you might have about the recent announcement.
  8. It's all related to mysql. This time it was a problem with the dll php uses to connect to mysql. Just one more reason why we have to be successful in raising the funds to move to mssql and asp.net.
  9. We're at the limits of what mysql can handle. Other options are being explored. For now I have moved mysql off the site server and back to the dedicated mysql server and only have this site on EXVBF running off it. Hopefully this config and the tuning will stabalize the site until we can come up with another option. I had optimize the db after tuning and that might have caused the counts to be off. I'll see what I can do to fix them.
  10. Big problems with mysql. I moved mysql back to the server it was on. During the upgrade to win2k3 and until this morning everything was running on one server. This should help until we can come up with an alternate solution to mysql.
  11. Congrats. Maybe you should contact Garret Sever and get some tips. He had twins last year.
  12. Mail server is fine must be something on your end.
  13. This is now fixed.
  14. There is problem with the mail server. I won't be able to get it fixed until Saturday.
  15. Fixed and yes it only affected blue velvet.
  16. Yep. I have to recompile the applet since the site is now on a different server. Also have to buy another cert to use on the new box. I'll get to it this weekend.
  17. All done. Just have to do the upgrade to vb3.
  18. Fixed. Forgot that upload dir has to have \\ in the path and on the end of the path when using IIS. Like E:\\somedir\\.
  19. vB 3 was sucessfully installed to make sure it was compatible with some of the changes I made to the db here. I just have to find time to upgrade the main site. Hopefully next weekend. Not only will the forum be upgraded, but, we will be moving to Windows 2003 installed on a server I just rebuilt. We will be apart and seperate from EXVBF soon.
  20. A good C programmer will know exactly what they want it to look like before they start and will code the way they picture it in their mind.
  21. It'll take some time for the chat to take off. Once it does there will be more than enough talk.
  22. Laura is working on fixing it. She will have it fixed later tonight when she has the time.
  23. Sure it isn't your connection? This site runs on a t3 to the switch and after the switch it's all gigabyte fiber. I will be moving this site off of the server that exvbf is on in a couple weeks.
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