Hi folks,
I've a dubt.
If I use a query with named parameters like this :
string query = "insert into test(name,age) values(:name,:age)"
where name is a varchar2 and age is a number(3), If I do this :
int age=29;
string name="Phil";
OracleCommand myComm = new OracleCommand(sql, myConn);
myComm.Parameters.Add("age", OracleDbType.Int32,ParameterDirection.Input);
myComm.Parameters.Add("name", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input);
myComm.Parameters["age"].Value = age;
myComm.Parameters["name"].Value = name;
int rowsAffected = myComm.ExecuteNonQuery();
I get an error, because the order is wrong, and it tries to put the name in the number column :( .
So, is the order the only way to associate the data column ??? :eek:
Thank you :)
P.S. : Oracle 9i and ODP.Net