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Everything posted by daveh541

  1. <A HREF="mailto:name@dell.com?CC=me@dell.com&Subject=subject&Body=body">Name of the contact person</A>
  2. Yea I don't know where I got this information from either. I did a little research to figure out which article on MSDN it was from, but there was no mention of this. I think I was just lying to myself :p
  3. thanks for the reply. yea i have it in release mode, and there is a difference in run time, but mainly I'm just looking for any ideas. I have looked at a couple of MSDN articles of performance and optimaztion that I've found through these forums. Speaking of which, one suggestion was to use longs instead of ints due to it being 32 bit. Anyone notice any differences with this?
  4. I had this problem as well. When removing the tabpage, you must set the focus to a different control, like a button: ... Dim CurrentTab As TabPage = Searches.SelectedTab butSomething.focus() Searches.TabPages.Remove(CurrentTab) If Searches.TabCount = 0 Then ...
  5. Hello, my app has a tacontrol with 3 pages. About 20 controls on the first page, and 4 or so on the other 2 (datagrids with a couple of comboboxes to change the view). The run time is a little slow to my liking, and it would be great if I could give it a little kick. Some controls (such as the comboboxes and a couple of textboxes) have their own events, and seem to be accessed when the program is first run. I am wondering if it would be faster to add the handler in the form_load event so that it isn't accessed until the event is actually raised by the user. Also, any other suggestions that could help increase performance would be most welcome. The app is connected to an access database, built using VS.net Standard Edition. Thanks.
  6. You can't hide tabs, but you can remove them.
  7. Also if you feel a little artsy you can design your own icons in vb
  8. One way would be if the serial #s are unique, is to set it as the primary key. Then use the 'findbyPK' where PK is what the Primary Key's column name is: such as serial or however you have it. Say it was serial... Dim findrow As DataRow = dataset.table.FindBySerial(serialnum) If (findrow Is Nothing) Then 'Serial number does not exist Else 'Serial Number exists MsgBox("Serial Number Exists", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Serial") End If If the dataset isn't from the designer, then you can dataset.table.find(serialnum) to get the primary key row if serial number is not a primary key, then you could Dim findrow As DataRow For Each findrow In dataset.table If findrow.Item(dataset.table.SerialColumn) = serialnum Then MsgBox("Serial Number Exists", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Exists") Exit For End If Next Hope this helps. I pre-appologize if the code doesn't work, I didn't have a chance to test it, but you can use it as a guideline. Go Boks.
  9. When you are printing out each each of data from the fields in your database, why not just set a margin equal to the space you ant. For example: concatenate the firstname and surname then <vb> e.Graphics.DrawString(fullname, FontA, Brushes.DarkBlue, X1, y) e.Graphics.DrawString(address1, FontA, Brushes.DarkBlue, X2, y) e.Graphics.DrawString(address2, FontA, Brushes.DarkBlue, X3,y) </vb> etc... where x2 = x1+ somenumber , x3=x2 + someothernumber... I hope this helps.
  10. Crystal Reports is not part of VB.Net Standard
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried updating video drivers but still had the same problem; however, I think I have fixed the situation. The datasource for my combobox was an arraylist that I created programmatically, and would change every time the customer was changed. A Master-Detail type deal. Anyway, I would : cmbopart.datasource = nothing each time it was changed. I changed this to cmbopart.databindings.clear() and this seems to have corrected the situation on all test platforms. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
  12. note: i'm an idiot. :D
  13. Whoops, that was the original, here is the changed.
  14. Here is a screenshot of the browser. It shows a datagrid that is in the "Scrap Analysis" tab page.
  15. Thanks for the replies: Volte: I'm not overiding anything. On XP machines there seems to be no problem with the display. I'm not on the right computer right now, but I will post a screenshot tomorrow. Pentium: Yea it's messy, but i want to know why it's happening :)
  16. On my windows form, I have two comboboxes, one is above the other. When an item is selected in the first combobox, it fills the second with data pertaining to that selection. When I run my program on Windows 2000 and Windows 98 the top combobox's drop down menu seems to erase the combobox below it. You can see "behind" where the combobox should be. You can still select the combobox and a drop down menu appears, but you can't scroll through it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Thanks for the response. It fixed the problem.
  18. An odd thing occurs when I remove a tabpage programmatically from my tabcontrol (odd to me, maybe not to others), the program loses it's abillity to close. Can't click the little X button, no alt-f4, can't use my program's file menu- exit.... I have to to go into task manager and end the task. Any ideas? This only occurs when I keep the remove code in. If I set the File Menu - Exit to application.exit instead of me.close() it can quit, but I'm wondering if something is being overwritten, and how or if I can stop it. Thanks for any help.
  19. daveh541


    just in case anyone else is in a similar situation... I had heard right, just wrong version... In VB 6 Crystal Reports was included on the CDs. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;193336
  20. daveh541


    Hello, I'm using VB.NET Standard Edition, so I don't have Crystal Reports available to me. I wondering if there are any options available to me so that I can create reports off queries from my database (which is in access). Also, I heard a rumor that there is an installable component of Crystal that you can use with Standard. Anyone know if this is true? Thanks for any help that can be provided.
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