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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by lester

  1. I created a dummy program with just a empty form in vb.net, but when I run the program the mem usage is more that 7mb, why just a empty form require that much of memory to run?
  2. Can someone pls let me know how can I use an arraylist instead of using array as the code below?? Dim AryChildForm() As frmChild TIA.
  3. I am pretty new to vb.net and I am have some question about the progressbar. Here's my situation, I have a program which will get the data from the remote Database server, since it will take some times to Fill data to the dataset, is that anyway to make a progressbar to show the status while getting the data from the remote server?
  4. When I click in the datagrid only 1 cell is selected, is that anyway to make the datagrid to select the entire row instead of just 1 cell?
  5. Does anyone know how can I make a comboBox as readOnly like the textbox?
  6. No one can help??
  7. In VB6 I can actually find a record in the recordset like this: recordset.find "ColumnID = '1' " but how can I do thid in VB.net??
  8. Hi, Can someone pls let me know how can I find and filter records in ADO.net?? TIA.
  9. I'm new to VB.net can someone pls let me know how can I get the index of the selected item in the listview?? TIA.
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