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About enginious

  • Birthday 06/14/1979

enginious's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Quick Update Hi, I just thought I'd let anyone following this thread know that the problem is only when I am in the design suite and running the program through that. As soon as I publish the .exe it writes to the database perfectly. Sparky.
  2. Thanks, That was pretty much the impression I got after further research today too. Just out of interest where is the standard edition available for $100, as I'm in the UK and it seems to cost more like $300 as far as I can find. I would certainly be more likely to buy it if it was that cheap. Thanks for the advice, Sparky.
  3. Thanks for the advice - I had read several sources on the internet which said you could distribute the software as a retail product, but then when I rang Microsoft, they seemed to suggest I had to purchase a copy of Standard Edition. I'll have more of a look around. Thanks, Sparky.
  4. Hi, I dont like posting on here, when I'm sure it's an easy answer but for some reason I cannot get the following to actually INSERT the record : OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.dataConnectionString); OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO DataLog(myData) Values('geoff')",myConnection); myConnection.Open(); myCommand.Execute(); It executes the code without an error, and if I use ExecuteNonQuery it returns saying 1 row has been affected, but when I then view the db it has not been inserted. Any ideas gratefully received, Cheers, Sparky.
  5. Hi, I am nearing completion of a project in Visual Studio C# 2005 Express, and wish to distribute the software. Can anyone tell me if there are any restrictions on whether you can distribute an application created in an Express edition, and also whether you are able to distribute the .net 2.0 Framework with it or whether that has to be downloaded via the web. I have read conflicting reports for both questions, and one suggested that you needed Standard Edition as a minimum before you can distribute an application. Thanks for any advice you can offer. Sparky.
  6. Resolved and thanks Hi Kurf, Thank you for your reply, that worked a treat - and thank you to PlausiblyDamp as well for your assistance. I know it was such a small thing not to be able to do, but no matter how many tutorials and guides that I tried to understand, I just couldnt figure it out. That's another thing off my list, and I can now try and progress further, so thanks guys. BTW, do I need to mark this thread as resolved now or something or is that not necessary? Cheers, Sparky.
  7. It's being called from the method : private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) Thanks, Sparky.
  8. Thanks Hi, thanks for the reply, I dont think I'm doing Async callbacks, not that I know of, but if you have time I've posted the code here : public void ProcessOutPut(string MyString) { //Update counter if (SoftwareCounter.Checked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue++; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); TextCounter.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue.ToString(); } } It's the last line that is when the error occurs. But the thing I dont understand is that I can do this, which apparently causes no error, yet as far as I can see it's still setting the value of the text box in essentially the same way : public void BtnCounterReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue = 0; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); TextCounter.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue.ToString(); } I appreciate your help, as no matter how much I try and find the answer, so far I've had no luck. Cheers, Sparky.
  9. Hi, I am working with c#.net after using VB6, and apart from a couple of problems it's not been bad, but I just came across this problem. I am trying to set the value of the textbox : TextCounter.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue.ToString(); Error:"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'TextCounter' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." Yet, I can set the value of the box to 0 when I click a button, which I was assuming was also on a different thread - is this not the case? If you have any ideas then that would be great - I seem to have more questions than answers at the moment. Cheers, Sparky.
  10. Thanks Thanks for the links, I'll have a good read through both of them and see how I get on. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Sparky.
  11. Hi, I hope this is posted in the right place, but I'm just starting to use c#.net rather than VB6 and getting stuck on basic issues, or I am being an idiot. In VB6 if I have on form Main a string called StrMine I can pass a value from another form by using Main.StrMine="myinfo", but for some reason C#.net wont let me do the same thing. Is there a particular way I should be referencing this or am I just making a terrible hash of it. If you've got any advice I'd be grateful. Cheers, Sparky.
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