Hi, thanks for the reply, I dont think I'm doing Async callbacks, not that I know of, but if you have time I've posted the code here :
public void ProcessOutPut(string MyString)
//Update counter
if (SoftwareCounter.Checked == true)
TextCounter.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue.ToString();
It's the last line that is when the error occurs. But the thing I dont understand is that I can do this, which apparently causes no error, yet as far as I can see it's still setting the value of the text box in essentially the same way :
public void BtnCounterReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue = 0;
TextCounter.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SoftwareCounterValue.ToString();
I appreciate your help, as no matter how much I try and find the answer, so far I've had no luck.