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  1. I have a Javascript function which has to be fired when a button is clicked. This button also has the "CausesValidation" property set to true. When the button is clicked, this property overrides my custon java script and my script is not fired. Is there a workaround for this?
  2. Thank you, people. I also read somewhere that the ACCEPT property of the HTMLFileInput class works only for Netscape and not for IE. If anyone gets any further info on the same / if it is possible in any way, please revert. Thanks.
  3. using wildcard Thank you for the reply. But what i want to do is, give a wildcard character or something so that i dont have to specify the extension name each time in the IF condition. Say, i want all IMAGE types - it would be nice if i could just mention "*" or something so that the FILE DIALOG box which pops up shows only those image file options in the "FileTypes". Get what i mean?
  4. i am trying to upload files of a certain type, say image. but using the HTMLInputFile control, i cannot seem to restrict the file types. can anyone help me on this? i tried the property FileBrowser.Accept = "image/*"; on Page_Load(). this does not work. "FileBrowser" is the name of my HTMLInputFile control.
  5. Javascript to simulate Smart Navigation Can u help me out with the Java script? Smart Navigationw orks only for IE5 and above - i want for IE4 too -
  6. I have an ASPX page which scrolls down to more than one page (hence, the scroll bar appears for it automatically). There are check boxes on the page and when one of them is checked, a particular function is called, hence the page refreshes. On Page Refresh, however, the top half of the page is displayed again. I hope i have made myself clear on this. Basically, he check bo which i select is towards the bottom of the page which i reach by scrolling down. On selectng that, when the page refreshes, the bottom half is not seen. Only if u scroll down, can u see that which is not very helpful from the user's point of view. Is there a way i can, say bookmark the place i was on the screen before refreshing so that i can remain on the same sopt when the page refreshes?
  7. properies and overloaded consttructors of a web service cannot be accessed by the client? is there absolutely no way of doing this?
  8. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE WAYS THAT A CLASS IS EXPOSED TO A WEB CLIENT. Is it that only if there is a web method that either returns or acceots an instance / object of that class, only then the class is exposed? is there no other way i can expose a class defined in a web service to the client. I have an Exception class that wraps any exception given by the web service and throws it back to the client. But i want the client to be able to access that clas so that it can cach that exception. How can i do this?
  9. Age Specified No, it is not an overloaded method. In fact, Age Specified is a property of a class. if Agespecified is used, it does not change that name. It is even case sensitive !!! any clues?
  10. Is "AgeSpecified" something that is used anywhere is DotNet or does it recognize the word as something else? Iam trying to adda referecne to the webservice from my client. The Web Service has a property named "AgeSpecified".However, when the client gets the reference to this property, it changes the name to "AgeSpecified1" and it maps it to "AgeSpecified" itself. Why does this happen? Please reply.
  11. I have a property called "AgeSpecified" in my web service. When i add the Web Reference of the service in my client, the property changes to "AgeSpecified1". also, it does an explicit serialization there. Any idea why?
  12. When i deserialize an XML file which is stored in my hard disk from the Web Service client, the data is not read properly. The object into which i am reading the deserialized file is a class type present in the Web Service. However, if the class is present in the client, the XML is read properly. Am i missing something here?
  13. when i read an xml file from a web service client, it is not read properly. whereas, if i read the file from a normal web application, it is being read properly. any idea why?
  14. what if the data type changes. thats y there r no members. is there a way to Serialize it? else, other alternatives wud have to be thot of... It is not a Customer as such. "EmpID" was just an example.
  15. i'm using it as a custom data type Eg: public enum ID : int{}; ID EmpID;
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