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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by ADO DOT NET

  1. OKButton.Location.X = 81 OKButton.Location.Y = 165 OKButton.Size.Height = 22 OKButton.Size.Width = 65 Why I get error while using those command? how can I assign the location and size of a control in runtime then? :confused:
  2. ok here is a sample! if you remove an image file from the app resources, as I did in (pic1). you won't be able to run the app anymore (pic2) it seems that if we add a file to the resources, we won't be able to remove it later! WindowsApplication1.zip
  3. hi a problem! i think may be a bug in vs.net 2005 you just put a picturebox on a form, click on image property and import a jpg picture to the application resources! press ok. that's ok now. the problem is that if at a later point you want to remove that image from the resources you CANNOT! the only way is that right click on the project explorer and open resources folder and remove the file from there, it will be removed but a warning will appear that this file does not exists! and your application won't work until you copy a file named that deleted one in the same directory... ???
  4. I didn't use Graphics objects before and have a problem: I have 2 icons with .ico extension and I think I have to import them to my project resources! Then on my forl load event I want to choose which icon will be shown as the form icon property. I was not able to implement this simple task! Can anyone any help?
  5. thanks:) but my help file is a little bit different as the others! what if i want to show a simple messagebox when user press F1? still possible to use your method?
  6. hi one of my problems in vb 6 was that how should i set the passwordchar property of text box to look like the windows xp, but it's different in xp and 2000 and me. so to whcih font and character and size should i set it to be ok always? thanks
  7. hi i want to open the help file of my application whenever user press F1 in any of my 84 forms. so should I enable the keypreview of all my forms and check if user press F1 in each form to show the help file? because i heard that it's not recommended to enable the form key preview. is there any other way? thanks
  8. Hi, Thank you for your great help:) I found that there is one problem with my code: The output line won't be word wrapped! I mean if more than a specific caharcters, the rest won't be printed unless it reaches the 1st LineBreak in the text box. How do you handle this case?
  9. I didn't know this is a hard question! [:D] Perhaps there should be someone here that tried to print in vb.net!
  10. In VB6.0 I was using this: Printer.Print(TextBox1.Text) To print the contents of a text box via a printer. That was OK and simple! But now in VB.NET 2005: Private Sub PrintLogButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintLogButton.Click Try PrintDialog.Document = PrintDocument If PrintDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then PrintDocument.Print() End If Catch Exception As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub PrintDocument_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument.PrintPage e.Graphics.DrawString(ReportTextBox.Text, New Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 20, 20) End Sub Because I am new to .NET, I just want to know if I am doing everything allright? I want to know if my code is based on a true procedure? And it won't case an error to occur? Thanks all the people:)
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