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Everything posted by Gruff

  1. Hi Joe, Jumpy, Good news. The Free Adobe Reader Version 10x has reinstated the AcroPDF.dll ActiveX Use ChooseItems and under COM select the above. If it does not show path to: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroPDF.dll Tons of good stuff in the control. LoadFile, Viewing, Printing, Etc... The only thing it does not do is create or edit PDF's directly. If you choose to show the toolbar it has a button that links to the web site that can create PDFs for you. (See Attached Picture)
  2. Discovered one way to programmically change the settings without using the dialogs 1) Initialize a PageSetupDialog object. 2) Set the Document property to your PrintDocument. 3) Set PageSetup Properties as desired. (PaperSize, Margins, Landscape, Etc..) 4) Do Not use the ShowDialog Method. 5) Launch the PrintPreview Control. I imagine I can do the same with the PrintDialog for its properties. Silly but it works.
  3. Seems Like I haven't been on this site in quite a while. I am using VB 2010 full version. As the title says. I having problems getting print preview to display the proper view in landscape mode. It stubbornly shows portrait. I am using the PrintPreview control in the hopes I can change printer setup information on the fly while in preview mode. Before I call a dialog containing the printpreview control I am setting PrintDocument.PrintSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True Thus far I have less hair and no answers.
  4. I reformatted the hard drive and installed standard WinXP. I no longer have issues with that PC. Of course I suppose I will when we upgrade to Vista64 at some time in the future. I'll need to tighten my belt and opt for the more expensive version of VS at that time I suppose. The error was about calling a variable from one thread when in another. It errored on a line that simply set a label caption to a variable declared inside the timer event. Seemed odd that it would give that sort of error. The timer control was on a splash screen that was a separate thread as well seeing as how I used the VB.NET functionallity to launch a splash screen while reading some intitial data from my DB. I received other errors as well. Unfortunately I do not remember exactly what they were complaining about. In any case thank you for the reply
  5. I am running VS.NET 2008 Standard Edition comiling a Visual Basic application with the compile option set for "Any CPU". My deployed application runs as it should on Win32 w 32 bit Processor but fails on a Win64 OS w 32 bit Processor. Is the a limitation of VS.NET 2008 standard? I was under the impression it was the 64 bit processor it wouldn't support. One other tidbit. On the Win64 PC there is a "Program Files" folder for 64 bit applications and a "Program Files (x86)" folder for 32 bit programs. It correctly installs to the "Program Files (x86)" folder. Could the path be the issue? [Edit] Weird. Created a Hello world program and physically copied the executible to the Win64 PC. It works fine. ???[/Edit] [Edit] I'm downloading and installing VB.NET 2008 Express as we speak. *heh* Perhaps if I recomile the program under Win64 it will work. I may also download and install MS SQL Server Express. This is a datacentric app. It ties into an old ProvideX DB through OLEDB.[/Edit] [Edit]( Next Day) Okay. Loaded VB.NET on the Win64 PC. Copied the solution. Loaded and Ran. Error city. Thread errors on a timer event in my splash screen. Very odd. Turned of a couple of compile options. Now it gets past that and says it cannot find the proper DB driver. Ack. This PC runs VB6 compiled programs that connect to the same database so that seems odd too. Maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and downgrade to Standard WinXP. Can anyone confirm that VB.NET 2008 Standard edition will not work with WinXP 64? [/Edit] ~T
  6. Hi there. How can you detect whether a header cell has been selected in the 'CellClick' or CellContentClick events? I don't see a 'IsHeaderCell' Property. I would like my code to ignore header cell selection in those events. Thanks, [Edit] Found it. "If e.Rowindex = -1 then Exit Sub" [/Edit] ~T
  7. After some years over at Xtreme VB Talk I finally decide to jump the fence and see how the other half lives. I'll be starting out at the bottom rung once more but I kinda like the idea. (No pressure to be the man with answers. Whew!) Looking forward to getting to know all of you. ~T
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