please help!!!
i want to learn how can i find the important redistibutables(Prerequisite,Merge Modules,dll,...) for my application to create the setup program?
i use vb 2005 or vc# 2005
first step has solved
if i try with static method i can see the method but i can't use the expression "this" what i mean?
if i write in Form1 this method
static public ChangeMsg(string msg)
this.Label1.Text = "My text";
then in Form2 i can write
Form1.ChangeMsg("My message");
but the compiler give me an error in Form1 - ChangeMsg method
"this is not a member of static...."
nothing :-(
i try more things but i can't find nothing i am ready to brake up my pc
the same problem when i try to make this
public ToolStripLabel Changelbl
return this.tlbmsg;
i can't call this method from other form.
but i can find the methods if i declare a new form
frmmain main = new frmmain();
then i can use the methods
main.tlbmsg.text = "My text";
but i want to change my already shown form.
please help!!! :) :)
hello i am vb user and now i try to learn the vc#.
i want to learn how can i change the properties from one form to other.
for example in vb.
if i write this code in the form2
Form1.Label1.Text = "My Text"
then the label from form1 will change the text. how can i make the same in VC#?