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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Your own :) At least its fully customizable :).
  2. I found VS6 msdn help to be worse than .NET's. Maybe you have to hunt it down but the number of info is just huge. In vb6 i used help and sometimes only few sentences came up.
  3. It would all be good with professional/AE version but I read somewhere that the server explorer only works with MSDE and not MSSQL :(
  4. What errors are you getting?
  5. Hehe, cool. Share your experiences later :). I wish my upgrade would finally arrive... im so impatient :)
  6. You dont need any BltBit use in GDI+ :) All you need is to set the style in your app: SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,true); Then just draw like you would normally. :) More info here: http://ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWindowsFormsControlStylesClassTopic.htm
  7. I remeber some other application that looked the same as that one, and it wasnt free. This is another time I see someone making money of free software published on SourceForge just by chenging the name and tiny details. Its sad.
  8. Cast your win variable to the form you need. Something like this: Dim win as Form For Each win in Me.Controls if win.Name = SomeName1 then DirectCast(win, SomeName1).TreePopulate(showseason) elseif win.Name = SomeName2 then DirectCast(win, SomeName2).SomeMethod End If next This will allow you to acces form class specific methods and things like that.
  9. Upgrades are not available to for Standard editions either, and he will buy 2003 now anyway :)
  10. Projects are different applications, you cant just mix them :) What I would do is, design the forms and put them in a DLL and access them from there.
  11. I agree with both of you :) I would automatically think of an app like that as a virus and would get rid of it.
  12. Hehe, I didnt know it would "scare" some people :) Well, BillBash is sitting in My Pictures for now, but ready to go :D ;)
  13. Academic version is like Professional version with additional student tools and the price is lower because its for education. If you have choice between those 2 go with Academic all the way.
  14. Thanks! I had 381 posts, but this is a start :) ;) And I joined on January 19. Ill wait for admins :)
  15. Is there any reason my account got deleted? I just got here, my account didnt work, on all posts it says im a guest. :( :( I had to create a new account.
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