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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Use this APi function: mciSendString
  2. PlaySound will not play MIDI files. Try this API: http://www.mentalis.org/apilist/mciSendString.shtml There is a sample on that page.
  3. First you have to connect to the database... Dim Conn as new SqlConnection("you connection string goes here")'or OleDBConnection if you use Access or something else Dim Cmd as New SqlCommand("SELECT email FROM users", Conn) 'lets assume your email field is called email and your table is called users Dim reader as SqlDataReader Conn.Open() 'open the connection Dim emails as new ArrayList() 'to strore emails reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader() 'let the data reader get the emails Do While reader.Read() 'Keep reading until you run out of records emails.add(reader.GetString(numberofyouremailcolumn)) Loop reader.Close() Conn.Close() To send a message: Dim msg as new Web.Mail.MailMessage() msg.To = "someones email" 'and another settings for the msg object... Dim smtpserver as Web.Mail.SMTPMail smtpserver.Send(msg) I hope this clears some things :)
  4. Assuming that I know what you meant by leaving it active :), it wont do it. If you select the second tabpage during design time it will still start with first.
  5. Wouldnt MonthCalendar control work?
  6. If you type: Dim blah as Label You will not actually create a new object, you will be able to assign a label that already exist to that variable. Most of the classes require New keyword, but some classes are static and they dont require a new instance of the object and you can use their methods without a new instance. If you want to create a new object of whatever kind you wish you must use New keyword.
  7. You could so this in the form load: TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1
  8. Some people just cant appreciate that others try to help :(
  9. Look into this class: System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail Its small and pretty selfexplanatory :) But you will need an SMTP service running on your server.
  10. I think this is an inresting article, they analyze how both .NET and Java will be positioned in the market. http://www.fawcette.com/dotnetmag/2002_04/magazine/columns/strategy/ If you wanty to go multiplatform go with java, if you want windows only for now go with .net, also java apps are a little slower.
  11. I dont see you declaring the marioimg anywhere like i did :) You are trying to modify a bitmap that wasnt even declared yet. And the code I just posted works for me :) Copy the code excatly like i showed and it should work.
  12. Yes I know but I never really saw a game that used icons :) And i fixed the problem :) I was thinking of the wrong thing. Put this code in the paint event: (assuming you want to make black transparent for example) Dim marioimg As New Bitmap(marioimage) marioimg.MakeTransparent(Color.Black) e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(marioimg), pt) 'draw the mario image at the specified point
  13. :) Im not sure what is the excat name of the color that is the background of the bimap but you have to set the TransparenceKey of your form to match the color that is the background of the bitmap. When you do that the form will make the picked color transparent. Is the most common to use pink as the backgrounds as its not used so much, becuase it will make other things that you dont draw transparent too.
  14. Use the .Split method of a string.
  15. What you doing is creating two separate objects, so there shouldnt be a problem.
  16. It comes on a separte CD, it comes with Enterpirse Arch or Developer.
  17. 28 days? I wish mine came in 28 days... I placed my order on May 2!. The closest shipping date in June 14 as i was notified, but this doesnt mean that it wont be shipped later...
  18. Oh, i made a little mistake :) Instead of drawing the background in paint, set the background image of the form to that image. It will be a lot faster.
  19. Yeh, that would be good, i was intrested in that book and it would be intresting to find out what it contains :)
  20. I changed some code to make it draw with GDI+ :) Look through it, its not everything because i didnt have a lot of time. To Mods: The bin folder only contains graphics so it easier to get the path, no executables. Btw. Where did you get those graphics? I was looking for something like this for a long time to do my school project :)
  21. Writing message boards is long work :). I recommend you download some already made. Try those message boards, free and completely written in ASP.NET: http://www.asp.net/Forums/Download/Default.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=1
  22. That game will be cool :) But you gotta loose the picture boxes, they are slow. Draw your character with the GDI+ methods becuase you can take advantage of double buffering.
  23. mutant


    To append use this method: TextBox1.AppendText() And for new line it is good to use System.Environment.NewLine().
  24. You have to change the resolution in the code if you didnt make any option to change it during run time. Its nothing bad, you only have to change the backbufferheight and backbufferwidth of present parameters.
  25. Im pretty sure he uses vs.net 2002/1.0 so there is no class for that. :) Use this tutorial: http://www.elitevb.com/content/01,0077,01/
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