Creating your own form similar to an InputBox gives you a lot more freedom thatn using the ugly looking InputBox.
Getting the entered info back to your original form is very easy! Simply create your dialog form, choose buttons that will represent cancel and OK and set their DialogResult property to the wanted one, create a variable that will store the value and a property that will expose the variable, then after the form is closed you can access the property with the wanted value (since dialogs are not diposed automatically).
When showing your form show it using the ShowDialog method. That method will return a dialog result, if the user clicked your OK button OK will be returned etc. Don't forget to set the value of the variable, probably during the closing of the form.
Now here is some sample code :):
Public Class YourOwnInputBox
Inherits Form
'store the value
Private yourvalue As Object
'Provide access to the value
Public ReadOnly Property TheValue
Return yourvalue
End Get
End Property
End Class
'now to show the form as see what it returns
Dim dlg As New YourOwnInputBox()
If dlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
'process the data by using the defined property
End If