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Everything posted by mutant

  1. What is the error?
  2. There are no links in it, but you can open a new form from it. Lets say you have a messagebox with OK button. Dim formtwo as Form2 If MessageBox.Show("Open new form?") = DialogResult.OK Then formtwo = new Form2 formtwo.Show() end if This checks if the user hits the OK button, if yes, then open the new form.
  3. The only formatting option MessageBox allows is aligning to right, but you try typing spaces in front of message so the visible text would be start somewhere else instead of left because of the spaces you put there. MessageBox wasnt made for anything fancy, just to display some message, it doesnt have much custom functionality.
  4. You only have a choice of standard windows message box pictures. To put your you would need to make your own form that looks like a message box and put the picture on it.
  5. I agree that some titles are very misleading but I dont think they should be deleted, I think the Recycle Bin at EXVBF does this kind of job very well. Maybe that will "promote" better titles :). :D :)
  6. In addition to VB.NET I do C++, and have been playing with NetBeans and JavaSDK.
  7. Normal TextBox doesnt support things like that, use RichTextBox if you want formatting.
  8. You should set UserPaint to true if you use AllPaintinginWM.
  9. Just put: MessageBox.Show("Message") In your menu's handler. [edit] You were faster by milliseonds :) [/edit]
  10. You declare your combo box as control first. It would be better to declare you combo variable as a Combobox from the start. Something like this: Dim combo as combobox For Each combo In Me.Controls AddHandler combo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf handler Next Or yif you want to keep it your way, you have to cast your control variable to the ComboBox type: AddHandler DirectCast(combo, ComboBox).SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf handler
  11. You can do something like this: Private Sub createcollection() Dim combocollection As ControlCollection Dim combo As Control For Each combo In Me.Controls If TypeOf combo Is ComboBox Then combocollection.Add(combo) Addhandler combo.event, addressof comboIndexChangedHandler 'this will add this combobox 'to the handler End If Next End Sub Private Sub comboIndexChangedHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles combocollection.selectedindexchanged fillthetotals() End Sub
  12. If you set AllPaintingInWmPaint you should set UserPaint to true too. AllPaintingInWmPaint prevents the background from being earased so it reduces flicker.
  13. You could use forms authentication to check if user is allowed in other pages. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebsecurityformsauthenticationclasstopic.asp http://www.csharpfriends.com/Articles/getArticle.aspx?articleID=70 Its farily easy, if you have question post.
  14. INet doesnt ship with Vs.NET so you need to have VS6 installed or get it from somewhere else to use it anywhere. And INet is not recommended for .NET. Look into those namespaces: System.Net System.Net.Sockets They provide functionality you need.
  15. You could check if the page is postback. If Page.IsPostBack then Server.Transfer("somepage") 'or Response.Redirect("somepage") end if
  16. mutant


    The best you can do in WebMatrix is to set the Debug directive in your page to true.
  17. Try to change the encoding: Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader("file", System.Text.Encoding.UTF7) 'there is more encodings there
  18. If you want to use mouse_event this the simplest example: Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal cButtons As Integer, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Integer) Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2 Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4 Const MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = &H1 mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, x-axiscoord, yaxiscoord, 0, 0) mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0) mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  19. TextBox webcontrol doesnt have .GotFocus event or Location property :).
  20. Use a stream reader to open a file. Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader("pathtofile") 'do thing like realine, readtoend... reader.ReadLine() reader.ReadtoEnd()
  21. It has nothing to do with your table values. How did you declare your connection?
  22. Very detailed explanation over at msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/vbtchASPNETCookies101.asp :)
  23. That book is 1400 pages full of great info. The author did a great job and I really recommend that book. It talks about many things, controls, cookies, authentication, ADO.NET and many more.
  24. You could try to check if the date's format follows your and if not convert it.
  25. I dont see you actually assigning the line to any variable, you just read without doing anything to it. Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray() Assign some variable to it: yourarray = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()
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