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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Check out this link: http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/default.aspx?url=/quickstart/howto/doc/Xml/OverviewofXML.aspx
  2. Use this: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("pathtofile") It will start your file.
  3. Right here in the Tutor's Center forum: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49597
  4. Intresting site, AOL claims that so many people use their browser but according to that site only 2-3% of visitors use it, doesnt seem that high. But the best thing in there is that browser joke! :D Thats going into my signature. :D
  5. You are checking for the key press in the Form's KeyDown event,right? (im asking becuase the name of the sub doesnt tell much :) and you could be inherting the control). If yes and you have controls on your form, form will not catch the keydown event without KeyPreview.
  6. Try setting your form's KeyPreview property to true.
  7. Enable viewing file extensions for common types in your Windows and look if the file is not named "odbcconf.txt.txt", i get this problem sometimes.
  8. What is the problem with MdiParent property?
  9. You should use this to start processes and programs, dont use Shell: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() Btw. Its [ vb ] and [ /vb ] to make it appear as vb code :) , without spaces.
  10. You mean it still returns 10/11/2003? To me it returned: Saturday, October 11, 2003
  11. This method will get you very close to what you want: datevariable.ToLongDateString()
  12. Class library cannot be ran byitself, just like the error said :). Go into your application project, then toolbar, then right click Add/Remove items, then .NET components, then browse button, and point to its location. Now it will appear in your toolbox and you will be able to place it on your form. From there its easy to add button and things like that.
  13. I know its not slow, its fast compared to other ones like Java. I dont tend to use Win32 API in .NET unless there is no class for the task in .NET. Anyway :) , I find C++ a lot better to work with than C#, not becuase of speed really, but its just better to program :p, and more freedom :p.
  14. Like this :) : Private Sub Form1_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed MsgBox("Your message here") End Sub
  15. Put your messagebox in the Closed event of form.
  16. Look at Divil's OutlookBar control. It can serve as a good menu. http://www.divil.co.uk/net/controls/outlookbar/
  17. It requires the SMTP service to be installed on the computer, or you could try to set the server property to something else which I never tired.
  18. Pass in the instance of your child to the dialog form when you declare it in the constructor. Edit your dialog's constructor to accept an instance of your child form. Something like this: Public Sub New(ByVal formtwo as ChildFormName) Then manipulate the functions and things like that from that variable.
  19. I didnt say that that code is slow :). Ok, I did the same test, now I believe, :rolleyes: , enlightment. :p Funny that I didnt do this kind of test before :)
  20. Ive never had that kind of a problem. For me its runs normally, even better then VS.NET 2002.
  21. It wont take much time :), I suggested what JABE just showed you. :)
  22. C# Builder...lol Anyway :), I will not belive that C# can come this close to the speed of C++, give me all the proof you want and I wont believe until I do it on my own :p.
  23. I suggest you have a look at this: http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=7&tabid=41 My 2nd suggestion is to make the page layout first before doing any programming, so you know where to place everything when you program it :). :)
  24. You cant do it that way, the next best thing would be to go through all controls with the for each loop and check if the control has a name of link3.
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