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Everything posted by mutant

  1. mutant


    You can have something like this: Dim btn As Control For Each btn In Me.Controls If TypeOf btn Is Button Then AddHandler btn.Click, Addressof handlingsub end if Next
  2. You need JavaScript to do this kind of client side work: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_noright http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_noright2
  3. Im not sure if this is what you mean but go to Solution Explorer, Properties of your project, Select Common properties in the treeview on the left and then Build. There you can choose an icon for your application.
  4. I think those graphics will give your game an interesting look :)
  5. I dont know about sharp develop but here is how you can change it in code: Me.Icon = New Icon("iconfilepath")
  6. Select the form, go to the propeties window and find the property called Icon. This will change it.
  7. In windows applications.
  8. Try this: Dim ItemsClone() As Object = Items.Clone()
  9. You cant show a messagebox from ASP.NET, you have to use JavaScript.
  10. You need to make your sub Shared: Shared Sub Main()
  11. Oh, im sorry I forgot that Menus dont have that property available in code. :rolleyes: Maybe you could identify the menus by their text?
  12. Heres an example: (first drag the timer from the toolbox onto the form) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Timer1.Enabled = True 'enable the timer Timer1.Interval = 30000 'set the interval to 30000 milliseconds 'which equals 30 seconds Timer1.Start() 'start the timer End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick SomeSub() 'use the Tick event to call the sub, Tick is raised 'when the timer reached the interval End Sub Private Sub SomeSub() MessageBox.Show("Hi") 'do whatever you want here End Sub
  13. For Each str In MyString Dim mnu As New MenuItem mnu.Name = "mnu" & str Next This should help you :)
  14. This forum has an IRC, just click chat button on the top or read the Announcements forum, there is a post with the server address. :)
  15. Becuase upgrade wizard is not supported in the Standard version :), you need VS.NET pro at least. But as dynamic_sysop says, its not worth using.
  16. The DirectX references show up in the listbox of the references when I click Add Reference in soultion explorer, on my computer. I dont need to use the browse button. Also make sure you downloaded the DX9.0a version not DX9.0.
  17. I use VS.NET 2003 with DX9 and have no problems when I add the references to the project. I simply go to the solution explorer and add the needed references.
  18. What do you mean cant run? You get erros, you cant find DLLs or what? :)
  19. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://urlhere") This will open the dafault browser.
  20. Just use the Dispose() method of the timer, the GarbageCollector will take care of freeing up the memory.
  21. mutant

    Send E-mail

    That error usually pops up when the SMTP server is not ready or running, or the application cant connect to it. Check if the Exchange server is up and running.
  22. Yes, that what I meant :)
  23. I suggest looking into AudioVideoPlayback namespace from DirectX, it contains a class named Audio for playing sound. It plays all kinds of sound files. Easy to use :). Of course other DX sound apis are better but this is simple and fast to use. :)
  24. I suggest your work with GDI+ and double buffering. Its easier to implement. You just set the style of your form to double buffering and then draw on your form, or any other control. SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffering,True)
  25. Me refers to the class that you are currently coding in. So if you put Me in form it will refer to the form, if you put Me in a button class it will refer to that button.
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