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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Your search cannot contain words that are shorter than 4 letters. You can use the wildcard character to search for 3 letter long terms, like this: "add* row* dataset"
  2. Setting buttons transparent is working all right for me. Works both from code or setting it from Properties window. Button1.BackColor = Color.Transparent And going to BackColor, Web, then Transparent in Properties works.
  3. Just declare a new instance of the form from the DLL on the top of your code once and keep calling form.Show() where you have to without createing new objects.
  4. You are drawing it in form load, before the form and picture box are shown, and you draw it only once so it will not be there during the next repaint. Do this in the Paint event of your picture box.
  5. The best way would be to rewrite it if its not something big, or just leave it in VB6 if its a big application. You can also use the upgrade wizard that comes with VS.NET Pro and up, but the code it produces is terrible, most people will tell you to stay away from it.
  6. Have a look at this class I just made. As you will see I didnt use the MouseHover event as I dont quite like how it works. Create a new Windows Control project include this file and compile it into a DLL, then you can use it from the toolbox. newbutton.vb
  7. So you want different images to be on the background when the mouse is hovering or button is pressed?
  8. What do you want to do in that button?
  9. If you want the properties and methods of the Button class then inherit from it, creating one from scratch is not worth doing it as you already have one built into .NET framework :). To add controls to the toolbox you first have to compile it into a DLL, then go into your toolbox, right click and click Add/Remove Items. Then in the .NET components tab select Browse button. You can then select your DLL that contains the control.
  10. You want to build your own button from the ground up or just want to inherit from the Button class? For hovering you could use the MouseMove event of the Button class, this means that whatever you put in the code will happen when the mouse is over the control. For click state you could use the MouseDown event to do something to your button and then MouseUp event to get it back to normal.
  11. You have to draw it yourself. Make a class and Inherit it from Windows.Forms.Panel. Create a handler for the Paint event for the control. And then in it type in this code: Private Sub Class1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 0, 0, Me.Width, 0) End Sub The e.Graphics.DrawLine will draw a line which will look like a border becuase it is drawn along the top of the panel. You can do that for every side. Then you just declare that class and use it on your form.
  12. In vb.net you can call the API in the same way as VB6, for C# you need to use Platform Invoke, you can find a Platform Invoke tutorial here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/csref/html/vcwlkplatforminvoketutorial.asp
  13. There is a lot of VB6 to buy on ebay, some of the sellers ship worldwide. http://www.ebay.com Or you might have some luck finding it on the Italian eBay website: http://www.ebay.it Search this forum for more info, there is a lot of threads about buying VB6: http://www.visualbasicforum.com/
  14. Did you try to do it? Maybe it would work, I dont know as I havnt tried it :) Its not possible to just exchange the license, you would have to buy it.
  15. If im understanding you correctly, and you set the value of the textbox in code in form load event so its executed right away then this should work. Are you opening any instances before this one? What I mean by this is if you open any others and then you modify the textbox. If thats the case then it wont work becuase you create a new instance all the time. Again, im not really sure what you want :)
  16. There was a lot of talk about this error here. Try looking at one of those threads: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=175369&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending
  17. This link should help you: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconusingsetupexebootstrappersamplewithapplication.asp Windows 2003 is currently the only one that comes with .NET framework, but Microsoft plans to include the .NET framework in a service pack for XP. The next ones will cmoe with the native support for .NET framework. Although VS.NET 2003 compiles against .NET framework 1.1 there is an option of supported runtimes. Go to solution explorer, right click your project, then properties, then open the Common Properties, then Build. I dont recommend doing this.
  18. Thats cool :), congratulations to the people that remade the game, not only becuase its in framework but its not a simple overnight project. But lets wait for Doom3 to appear on .NET framework :D.
  19. mutant


    You need Windows to run .NET framwork, or in future Linux when they complete the implementation. Cant run .NET Framework without it.
  20. mutant


    Its not possible. Why would you make DOS programs under .NET framework :confused: :)
  21. You can embed your text file into the exe, but you will only be able to read the text file, wont be able to write to it. Add the file to your solution, go to your soltuion explorer and click on it once, down in the properties window you should see a Build Action property, set it to Embeded Resource. Now you text file will be compiled into the exe. Then to read it do this: Dim reader As New IO.StreamReader(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("RootNamespace.FileName.txt")) This will retrieve the file for you to read.
  22. If you want to get it using code use this: System.Environment.Version You can get the whole version, or Major, Minor, Revision, or Build separately. System.Environment.Version.Major System.Environment.Version.Minor System.Environment.Version.Revision System.Environment.Version.Build
  23. You dont have to worry about clearing it.
  24. You use DoubleBuffering to do that. Set those properites to true in your form like this: SetSTyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWMPaint, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True) Windows will draw the fastest way possible for it :) As for your object, I think GDI+ will have some trouble drawing 115 objects at one time especially if they are big :)
  25. Not by Microsoft. Here is an open source implementation for Linux. http://www.go-mono.org
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