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Everything posted by mutant

  1. What do you mean refuses, you get an error or what? If its an error then what is it?
  2. Yes, a lot of applications use that approach, but i see more and more that use XML files for that.
  3. It should work, did you try debug your code and check the values of the text()?
  4. Or if you want a way that more OOP than modules you can create a class and make the methods and variables shared.
  5. Those two lines refer to the code right above them :) This is all you need to show the button on the desktop, nothing else is required.
  6. That was only an example, you also have to change the location property, becuase right now they are being drawn over eachother. For i = 1 To 5 MyCheck(i) = New CheckBox MyCheck(i).Location = New Point(xcoordinate, y coordinate) Controls.Add(Mycheck(i)) Next i Substitute xcoordinate and ycoordinate with numbers.
  7. You have to intiliazie the checkbox before adding it to the form. Replace this: For i = 1 To 5 Controls.Add(Mycheck(i)) Next i With: For i = 1 To 5 MyCheck(i) = New CheckBox Controls.Add(Mycheck(i)) Next i
  8. The texbox doesnt have time to print the text becuase it goes to sleep right away so you need to call DoEvents before every sleep so it can finish: textbox1.Text = "5" Application.DoEvents() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) textbox1.Text = "4" Application.DoEvents() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) textbox1.Text = "3" Application.DoEvents() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) textbox1.Text = "2" Application.DoEvents() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) textbox1.Text = "1" Application.DoEvents() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) textbox1.Text = "DONE" Also I suggest that you use timer for this kind of thing, it doesnt require you to put the thread to sleep so your application can respond during that time.
  9. But what dont you understand about array and strucutres? The whole concept of them or just some parts of them? :)
  10. I assume that when you move your controls you dont create any in that sub, and the same with the databinding sub, although you can access the controls from the thread you create its still not the best method becuase the controls are not thread safe so they dont work very well if modified from another threads, but this method could still work. If the only thing your sub does is move the controls then I dont think you need you need another thread for it, because to be totally safe with accessing controls from another thread you would need the form's thread anyway. But again, you can access them just directly from that thread and it should work but its not guaranteed to work. As for your tabs, I dont think you have much choice than just filling them from your form's thread.
  11. Since I dont know what excatly you have there I cant be sure this will not generate errors. You can do something like this: Dim thread1 As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf ControlMovingSub) thread1.Start() Dim thread2 As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DataBindingSub) thread2.Start() Dim thread3 As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf TabFillingSub) thread3.Start() This could generate errors, because as I said before some things cant be shared between threads, like you couldnt create a control in your own thread and add it to the form's control collection becuase its another thread.
  12. Also remeber that you will have to accept the file name that your program will open as a command line argument. Use this property for retrieving the arguments: System.Environment.CommandLine
  13. What Wyrd said and remeber that you will have to cast a member of arraylist to the specified type becuase arraylist return objects as the Object type.
  14. Assuming I understood you correctly, you want to use the icon on the top left corner to link to another forms, like customize it? You cant do that. As for icons, you cant just rename a bitmap to an icon, you got the error becuase its not a valid icon file, VS.NET has a very decent icon editor, just open any icon file in it and it will automactially open.
  15. Thats probably happening becuase you set the TransparencyKey property of the form, it will make the specified color transparent on the whole form.
  16. Its very simple translation :): Protected Overrides Function IsInputKey(ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean Select case keyData case Keys.Up return True case Keys.Down return True case Keys.Right return True case Keys.Left return True End Select MyBase.IsInputKey(keyData) End Function
  17. I would say that popluating on form load would be better, because if you have a lot of data and you wanted to popluate it each time the control is clicked the program the program could freeze for a very short time each time you clicked the control.
  18. Can you show sopme of your code and tell what the error was? It will be easier to figure out that way. :)
  19. You mean take the string, parse it and calculate the result? You have to that yourself, but it shouldnt be very hard to write a function like that.
  20. Does your friend have the .NET framework installed?
  21. You need to add it to the control collection of your form: Me.Controls.Add(pic) By the way, dont post Control questions in Database forum :).
  22. You can use: DirectCast(object, type)
  23. I downloaded newest drivers, ran windows update, installed DX9.0 SDK, the only thing that ran was DirectDraw application made in VB.net, I didnt try Direct3D with VB.net yet, so I dont think I have any problems with enabling it.
  24. Just my opinion on InputBoxes :): Not only they are not not part of the framework, but they look so ugly and unprofessional.
  25. I installed Windows Server 2003 recently to see how it is and I have to say, Windows 2003 is so terrible when it comes to graphics, I tried to run one of simpler Direct3D apps I wrote using C++ and using WinXP computer, it wont even start. I tried to install a game to see if it works, it wont. And this is all on a 2 week old computer. No other possibility than get back to WinXP. Just to warn you on the possiblility of the people running your DX app on Windows 2003.
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