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Everything posted by mutant

  1. This page should help you on automatic Framework installation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconusingsetupexebootstrappersamplewithapplication.asp There are some more links on the bottom of it.
  2. You can compile the programs and run them its just that Academic is not intended for commercial use.
  3. Are you trying to start a process on the client computer? ASP.NET cant do that, by using process start you are staring a process on the server computer.
  4. There is a way :): http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72831
  5. You could use the TextChanged or Leave event to change it, or any other way you want. Just put that code in it: CheckBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text
  6. Dynamic_Sysop was talking abuot VB.NET. In C# you get the: static void main() If you want to remove the form from starting just delete this line from main: Application.Run(new Form1()); But remeber that you have to start the message loop for the application as without it will exit immediately. Application.Run(); This will start the message loop for the application.
  7. To open another form: 'dim the form somwhere Dim SecondForm As New Form2 'then wherever you want to show it If checkbox3.Checked Then SecondForm.Show() Else SecondForm.Visible = False End If What do you mean "add free text"? Let the user edit the text of the checkbox?
  8. You have to edit the constructor to accept the argument. Public Sub New(ByVal argname As Argtype) MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() 'do something with the passed in argument End Sub Just open the "Windows Forms Desginer Code" and edit the constructor.
  9. Just use single quote instead of ". ("<font color='#c0c0c0'>Added text: " & textbox1.text & "</font>")
  10. You can use byte or an integer, it will convert anyway. int c = Convert.ToInt32('c');
  11. What you are doing there is casting, if you want real conversion use this: byte c = Convert.ToByte('c');
  12. Oh, you were referring to one property. I thought you meant overall referring to any value of the button.
  13. What are you trying to do? Maybe there is a better way.
  14. Yes you can do that with the example I showed you.
  15. You cant change the arguments that event handlers accept.
  16. You can create an array of buttons in code, control arrays are not supported in the designer: Button[] buttons = new Button[2]; buttons[0] = new Button(); buttons[1] = new Button(); buttons[0].Location = new Point(0,0); buttons[1].Location = new Point(200,200); this.Controls.AddRange(buttons); This is just an example, it creates an array of buttons, initializes them and adds to the form.
  17. This is the feature of the newest version of the forum software, this site might get upgraded to it too.
  18. Thats essentially what it accepts. First the pen, for which you specify the color, like the RGB argument for the Line Method. Then the coordinates of the starting point of the line, same as first two in Line and then 2for ending point, again same as Line. Very similar. Remeber that the second one will only draw it once, if the window needs to repaint you will have to call that method again.
  19. You need to create graphics object for your control or use the one that is passed into Paint event or the OnPaint ovverride. To use the one from Paint event do this: //in your paint event e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue),100,100,200,200); //first you specify the pen used to draw then coordinates If you want to create the graphics object you do something like this: Graphics gr = this.CreateGraphics(); gr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue),100,100,200,200); Using the paint arguments from the paint event is required to get the maximum performance.
  20. They have an example on this page, it should be very easy converting to .NET: http://www.mentalis.org/apilist/ChangeDisplaySettings.shtml
  21. Those as well as shape controls dont exist in .NET anymore. You have to use GDI+ or GDI.
  22. The code I showed you works good, did you modify anything in it?
  23. Nice game Wyrd ! :) I get 33 FPS on a P4 2.4 processor and 512 RAM. Good job.
  24. You can get the screen size using this: Dim scren As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds() 'get the size MessageBox.Show(scren.Width) 'display the width MessageBox.Show(scren.Height) 'display the height ANd you need the ChangeDisplaySettings API to change it.
  25. You would have to keep track of the coordinates at which the graphics have to be and then draw it everytime it moves at the specified coordinates.
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