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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Dim mut As New Mutex(False, "Name of your app as it is on the title bar") If Not mut.WaitOne(0, false) Then 'your app is running already End if This should help you :)
  2. Do you really want to built it from scratch? Wouldnt extending the existing combobox with things you need be better? If you still want to, I suggest you take a look at the IList interface, it will help you. :)
  3. Or :), look here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72201 Divil wrote a great article on having apllications scriptable.
  4. This thread might help you: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73184
  5. No, the program will be directed to the computer its on, hence the name "localhost" :).
  6. Here is an example of rotating: Dim b As New Bitmap("path to file") b.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX) 'set the value you want here You can do this to any image object, you dont have to necessairly create a new one.
  7. Yes Trim returns a String, but you should be using the Trim method of the String object rather than the old VB6 method. The cast from String to Long is invalid, do you have Option Strict On when compiling?
  8. You should ALWAYS have Option Strict On. If you just started using it you should in every project.
  9. You need to add it to the form's control collection: Me.Controls.Add(tempimage)
  10. Nerseus asked the same question couple threads down :): http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74643 But you connect to the chat by logging in from the chat here: http://www.visualbasicforum.com And then joining the #dotnetforums channel from there. I dont know why it works this way :)
  11. :) Are you talking about DirectX references? If yes, then you must first download the DirectX SDK to be able to develop DirectX applications. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/directx.asp
  12. Lets say this is how you read the file with the version, im assuming its only one line long and there is only version info there: Dim reader As New IO.StreamReader("path to the version file") dim currentversion as string = reader.ReadLine() If currentversion = Application.ProductVersion Then 'current version on the client is the same as the newest one Else 'version is not the same, needs update End If And also this is assuming that you write the file file the client downloaded using Application.ProductVersion so they have the same format.
  13. If you want to check the current version and compare it then you dont need to store it in the file, you can access it by: Application.ProductVersion But if you do it this way be sure to update the AssemblyInfo file with the current version, version info is on the bottom of the file if you use the vs.net generated AssemblyInfo file. AssebmlyInfo file is automatically generated by VS.NET when creating a project. With this you can read the file with the newest version and then compare the result of the reading with Application.ProductVersion.
  14. You could declare all your forms as new only once. What I mean by this is: Dim form1st As Form1 Dim form2nd As Form2 Dim form3rd As Form3 '... 'Then in lets say the load event of the parent initialize them Private Sub Parent_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) form1st = New Form1() form1st.MdiParent = Me '.... same for all forms Then show them or hide with formname.Show() and formname.Hide(). Or you could store the instances as shared in some class.
  15. You have to go through every file and set the attributes so its not ReadOnly. This will do it for you: Dim f As IO.FileInfo Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo("path to the directory") For Each f In dir.GetFiles f.Attributes = IO.FileAttributes.Normal Next
  16. mutant


    Im not sure if it will work on Win98 becuase Win98 cant use the full power of the .NET framework but you can always try :).
  17. mutant


    It will work on a computer that has its own SMTP server or if you can connect to a server that will send it for you.
  18. The button will not be the same shape as your image. I created an example class with a button that changes image when you press it or hover over it, it should help you: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74229
  19. To do that in the second argument of the DownloadFile() method specify this: Application.StartupPath & "\version.txt" Do you mean that you want to delete it after you read it? Anyway, to open another program use: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("path to the executable")
  20. There is no converter built into VS but you can convert it yourself.
  21. You mean download the file? Like this: Dim webc As New System.Net.WebClient() webc.DownloadFile("address to file file", "path to store the file on the computer") Then you can read the file from the location you picked.
  22. You can put the file at any server as long as the client can connect to it and access the file and then download it.
  23. The best way to do that is Web Services, then next is database you can connect to to check the version value. If you cant do either then maybe something simple like a file on a webserver that indicates the latest version of the software.
  24. Very, very interesting design but I image its hard to implement.
  25. How does your code look now?
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