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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Are you saying that you cant find the DropDownStyle property for the combobox? It should be there, then you just set it DropDownList to prevent editing of the combobox. You can also change the style in code: ComboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
  2. If you want to change the URL to the image you could make a simple web service to retrieve the URL or path to the file, or have the program setup to download a small text file which will contain the URL to the image.
  3. ComboBox1.Items(indexnumber) This will return the text of the of item with the specified index. :)
  4. The one for 29.99 is a special upgrade for users that have Visual Studio .NET 2002 already, you can only upgrade VS.NET 2002 with it. The other one is for people that own other products that qualify for upgrades, like VS6 or 5, or sometimes even some products from other companies.
  5. If you want book beyong basics it really depends on what you want to concentrate on when using VB.NET. For example datbases, controls etc. None of the overall VB.NET books cover specific topics in enough detail.
  6. Ah, sorry, forgot it doesnt play MIDIs, I just got back from 9 hour drive so I might not be in full programming strength :).
  7. Audio class doesnt accept Streams, which are returned as means to access the resources, as the location for the sound file. You will have better luck using DirectSound which accepts streams for sounds.
  8. You can call it whatever you want, the name of the key isnt tied to the name of the app. But its good to know what starts up so you should put in some name that can easily identify your app.
  9. .NET framework comes with its own installer so you dont need to pack into ZIP :). Maybe this link will help you: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpcondotnetfxexedeploymentscenarios.asp It disuccses .NET Framework deployment scenarios.
  10. You need to install the whole .NET framework on the client computer, there is no way around it. :)
  11. It does, before passing in the Bitmap object to the TextureBrush use this: BitmapObject.MakeTransparent(Color to make transparent) :)
  12. Dont put this in it: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ You already specified it as the LocalMachine here: Dim key As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
  13. It works for me all right. Are you sure you specified the right path? Thats when that error happens.
  14. Same except you change the SetValue line to: key.DeleteValue("YourAPP") 'delete the entry
  15. Yeah it does, becuase you have to pass in an object of Image type to the brush, so you can pass in Bitmap object which you made transparent using MakeTransparent.
  16. You can set it using the RegistryKey class: Dim key As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine 'dim RegistryKey class and set it to LocalMachine key = key.OpenSubKey("Path to the key", True) 'open the sub key key.SetValue("YourAPP", "PATH") 'create new entry key.Close() 'close and flush the key
  17. If you want to do it like this you have to pass the number to function as reference, which will keep oparating on the variable that you passed in itself instead of just getting the value of it and using it: public Sub number(ByRef mynumber As Integer) 'ByRef instead of ByVal Or if you want to pass it by value then you have to do this: public function number(byval mynumber as integer) As Integer mynumber +=1 Return mynumber end function 'and then assign the result to the number x = add.number(x) Messagebox.Show(x)
  18. DirectX doesnt force you to use 3D. You can use DirectDraw for 2D, Direct3D for 3D and APIs like DirectSound for sound or DirectInput for input. All of those are based on DX and are part of, not only 3D :). :)
  19. picutrebox1.Image = Image.FromFile("path to the picture") :)
  20. Make your sub accept another argument of the ComboBox type: Public Sub Build_ShipmentCBO(ByVal iShipSelectedID ,ByVal ComboB As ComboBox) Then pass in the instance of the ComboBox you want to modify to the function. Then in your function simply change the occurences of your hardcoded name with the name that you accept, in this example ComboB.
  21. Divil suggested DirectInput so try it. PentiumGuy, you told me you read my introductory tutorial for DirectInput, I dont have to explain eveything if you read it so its easier :). When you process the input check for two keys: If gameinput.State.Item(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key.C) And gameinput.State.Item(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key.Right) Then This seems to do what you need.
  22. Yes, you can use it.
  23. Oh, you want to create a combo box with DirectX. In that case you might have create one from scratch.
  24. It works for me without specifying the exe extension. All I used was the application name.
  25. You can find Mutex in the Threading namespace. If you dont have a form just specify the name of your application as a whole, not the form. Like "WindowsApplication2".
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