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Everything posted by mutant

  1. If you want to keep each line separate from the the other there is really no other way then having 60 000 array members. I would suggest using an ArrayList so you wouldnt have to declare your array with 60000 members right away, because there might be a chance there will be less lines to read.
  2. *Windows comes with WordPad too* :)
  3. :D Yes.
  4. If you want an array you could also use an array list to first read all the inles and then use the .ToArray() method of the array list to get the contants to an array.
  5. If you want a specific thing for different pages then using web controls would be better and much easier to manage.
  6. Use the response object: Response.Write("your text or html here")
  7. Do you mean writing HTML to the page so the results of the html you added are displayed when page is rendered?
  8. Yeah, Close() raises the Closing event before actually closing the from so you still have a chance to cancel the form closing, or do some cleanup code.
  9. dynamic_sysop, dont use Close() method of the form in its closing event, it will cause StackOverflow exception. :)
  10. Windows XP comes with DX8, im not sure about other OSes.
  11. You can get the selected text of a textbox using the SelectedText property of the textbox, if you want to copy the whole Text just use the text property. If you want it to resize with the window use the Anchor property of the TextBox, there you can select in which direction the control will stretch.
  12. This is how you use it: Dim files() as string = IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies)) You need to use the GetFolderPath() method becuase SpecialFolder is just an enumaration. :)
  13. If you dont want to hardcode the cookie path, since it can be different on other computer you can use this to retrieve the path to the cookies folder: System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies :)
  14. It has many more uses then drawing lines :). You can show images with it, draw custom controls, and all kinds of things like that. Its also good for games that dont require a lot of reources and dont have a huge number of objects to draw.
  15. What I showed you shouldnt report 1kb on a empty file, it returns the numbers of bytes in the files, how many characters. If the file is empty then it will return 0.
  16. You can use the Length property of FileInfo class: Dim fi as new IO.FileInfo("path to the file") MessageBox.Show(fi.Length.ToString()) If there is no text in the file the Length will be 0.
  17. Yes, you can use it. You just have to declare the api.
  18. Good job wyrd. And about key input. DirectInput is so much faster then normal KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress events. The speed gain is great.
  19. That is some heavy duty protection! Now that I fully understand what you meant I cant help you much as I havnt seen many products of this kind. What I can recommend is an obfuscation product which will basically go through your .NET exe and do all kinds of changes so when the code is disassembled its not very readable. One of those comes with VS.NET 2003, although not the best version of it, it will help. Exeshield seems like a very good product, if you cant get it to work then maybe you could look for some kind of support, they have some emails on their website.
  20. Try to Close the form first using the Close() method of the form object. I tried using Dispose() on the form and I didnt notice anything like you described.
  21. I would say that both now. There is still jobs for vb6 programmers, ive seen a lot of job offers on all kinds of programming sites for vb6 programmers. But a lot of compaines are switching to .NET now.
  22. What do you mean by program encryption? Obfuscation maybe? What do you want to do to the exe?
  23. To convert objects to string use the Convert class: Dim stringip as String = Convert.ToString(Long value here)
  24. Like PlausiblyDump said, dont use sender.Text as .Text is not a property of Object object and it will generate error with Option Strict On which should be on all times to prevent things like that.
  25. You can still make a control array, just not in the designer: Dim textboxes(9) As TextBox For x as integer = 0 to 9 textboxes(x) = New TextBox textboxes(x).Location = New Point(x*10,x*10) Me.Controls.Add(textboxes(x)) 'using Me because Im assuming you 'place this code in the form now Next This example will add 10 textboxes to your form.
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