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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Go to Add Reference and then press the Browse button on the top right and just find your DLL in the dialog that pops up.
  2. Aewarnick, that is only a runtime and not the SDK, you need the SDK to develop for the Compact Framework, and Compact Framework is for small devices like Palms or Windows CE computers not PCs.
  3. If you want maximum speed you can get drawing then you would need to use the paint event of the object you want to draw on and use the Graphics object thats passed into the event in PaintEventArgs, and then set the style for it: Double Buffering, All Painting in WM Paint, and user Paint.
  4. You can set the startup object by going to solution explorer, then right click your project and select Properties, it should open into the General section of Common Properties, there you can set it. You can modify the version of your program using the AssemblyInfo.vb file generated by VS.NET, or set it yourself somewhere in the code: Imports System Imports System.Reflection '..... <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("version")>
  5. To scale an image use the GetThumbnailImage() method of the image: Dim b As new Bitmap("image path") b = b.GetThumbnailImage(width, height, New Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOf tb), IntPtr.Zero) picturebox1.Image = b And then you must add a delegate for the third argument: Private Function tb() As Boolean 'you can call this function whatever you want Return False End Function
  6. Just create a new Class Library project and copy all your code files into it, you shouldnt have any problems. Then when you do that, you can add a reference to that DLL from your other Windows Forms app.
  7. You cannot declare projects, if one of them is a DLL then you can add a reference to the compiled DLL from another one.
  8. Yes you can upgrade vb6 pro: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/howtobuy/pricing.aspx I was talking about not being to upgrade with that special one for $29, sorry for the confusion.
  9. Im working with DirectX now and I recently realized that I need some kind of controls for user input, so now Im trying to get my DXTextBox to work :rolleyes: (built from scratch).
  10. Microsoft has a special upgrade for VS.NET 2002 users and it costs $29 for any version, even the 2002 standard versions which are the only standard versions that can be upgraded. I just mentioned this in case you thought about buying it and didnt know you need VS.NET 2002 for that upgrade.
  11. You need to cancel the closing of the form, even though you put code in the event it still will close after executing that code unless you stop it: e.Cancel = True This goes into your closing event wherever you want to stop the form from closing.
  12. It shouldnt disappear, do you have any code in Load event that could cause it to close?
  13. You cant keep it running if it gets to End Sub. Are you modiyfing the Closing event of your from so it minimizes when closing as you say?
  14. Yeah, you will be able to use the normal upgrade version, if you are talking about the special one for $29 then you cant.
  15. Its for people that own eariler Professional version products, like VS.NET 2002 Professional or VS6 professional.
  16. Dim opendialog As New OpenFileDialog() 'declare a new open file dialog 'now set some options.. opendialog.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt" 'example of a filter opendialog.CheckFileExists = True '.. there is more options, check your SDK documentation If opendialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then 'if user pressed ok 'do what you want because the user selected the file you can get it using: opendialog.FileName End If Remeber to check for DialogResult on all your dialog boxes.
  17. 1. It doesnt come with VS.NET 2002 and .NET Framework either. But it somces with VS.NET 2003. 2. Im not really sure but you could try searching the .NET Framework part of MSDN: msdn.microsoft.com/netframework 3. Not much different, some classes are not available to the compact framework.
  18. If you change the filter then the dialog may seem empty as there is no files of the selected type there. If thats not the case I cant help you much here as that or the icon change didnt happen to me when I tested the code.
  19. One way you could do it if you are working with plain text file is to open it, read all of it using the ReadToEnd() method of the StreamReader, and then use RegularExpressions to parse it for a pattern which in your case could be a single word or maybe more.
  20. Most people post their resumes in PDF or Word format if they want them to look good, so I dont think you would be able to parse them and put them in database fields they belong to. Storing files in the database is not a widely used idea too, but instead of that you cans tore the path to a file in the database and the file on the server.
  21. Use Application.DoEvents() before every .Sleep() call. :)
  22. It happens for me too, what you can do is lower the LargeChange property which causes this.
  23. Are you changing the filter of the dialog in code or you mean when you open the dialog and select a file type from the dropdown list?
  24. The dll Adobe provides is not a .NET dll, its ActiveX, .NET Framework manages .NET DLLs. The DLL was probably removed or unregistered when you uninstalled your program if it used it.
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